More Details Released in the Murder of Jerusalem Arab Teen

abuAccording to information being released the media, the suspects in custody for the murder of 16-year-old Jerusalem Arab resident Muhmad Abu-Khadir made up a six-member gang.

The six were taken into custody earlier in the week by police and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) agents. Three of them, including a 17-year-old minor actually committed the murder according to the information released by investigators. The others assisted in one way or another. Details are not being released at this time.

According to what investigators believe, the head of the ring is the resident of Yishuv Adam in the Binyamin Regional Council district of Shomron. Investigators believe he and a 17-year-old from Yerushalayim and a 17-year-old from Beit Shemesh actually kidnapped the victim and murdered him.

They forced him into a vehicle in Shuafat and sped off. During the drive they began beating him all over his body including his head, using a blunt object. When they arrived at the Jerusalem Forest they allegedly pulled him from the vehicle and poured gasoline on him, then setting him on fire. They fled the scene.

Persons close to the main suspect describe him as “charismatic with problems. He lives on medication to control his actions. He is under psychiatric care… He knew how to persuade the others to join in…they are problematic youths. The family is distraught and destroyed. The grandfather is simply finished over hearing of what has occurred”.

The father of suspects who are brothers heads a “well known Torani institution and he himself is well known” a neighbor of the family told Yediot Achronot.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. “The father of suspects who are brothers heads a “well known Torani institution”

    Torani? The bill of goods we’ve been sold from the rumor mill was that the youths were OTD Chareidim. Apparently not.

  2. Why soo much coverage and condemnation about an Arab who was killed? Even Arabs don’t make an issues when Arabs butcher Arabs every day throughout the Middle East. Drop it already.

  3. Because we are Am Yisroel we do not tolerate such actions. I was incredibly saddened by the murder of the three jewish boys. I am incredibley depressed by the murder of this boy. That there are Jewish boys who are so far from understanding what is right and what is wrong, to the extent that they can commit such an act, is really terrible.

  4. UJM, it doesn’t make a difference. This is not a product of any Jewish group, Frum or Frei and any variation thereof. No Jewish society calls for what they did, backs them, defends them, cheers their actions, is proud of them, or is even slightly happy about what they did.

    Regardless of their motivation, it reflects on Israel as a whole no more than any other murder. Any murder, revenge, gang or robbery, is commited by someone with messed up values. They do not reflect on a people unless they are systematically not brought to justice.

    Every country has jails. If you want to sum up a society don’t look in jail, look who’s out.

  5. This confirms what most media reports and posters here have been saying for the past two days. These young men acted deliberately to burn an innocent boy to death. It was not some random event, act of self-defense or any of the other rationalizations that have been offered. Even troubled kids on meds know that you don’t pour gasoline over another human being and set them on fire. Their actions amidst all the other ongoing violence only will increase the likelihood that more innocent Israelis will be killed in retaliation.

  6. Can you please remove the picture of this Amolek and start davening for your 6 imprisoned brothers. You even can learn something from Arabs, when one of theirs does something they 100 % behind him. Where is you achdut now, your 6 brothers are about to rot for life in prison for this piece of garbage who posted himself a few days before on face book doing three fingers salute celebrating the kidnaping of Jewish teens.

  7. It’s baal tashchis this youth could have cleaned some israeli toilet bowels or have done some construction it’s simply a waste of a beast

  8. while such an act of revenge is beyond description, and the level of Chillul Hashem cannot be measured on any scale, everyone must be very careful not to say even ONE word of loshon hara in the process of reporting any of these stories. Hinting to the identities of anyone involved, if not warranted and obligated by Halacha is Assur Gamor, and is reason enough for this entire site to have never existed. I am not responding to any particular comment or report, but i sincerely implore this site and the commentators to continue to be exceedingly cautious that nothing is reported or mentioned which does not conform with Halacha.

  9. I actually had not read the comments prior to my first comment. I would also like to mention that making a Chillul Hashem by insulting the murdered boy is also a Chillul Hashem. This is a public site which can be read by anyone in the world, and not the proper place for angry venting. Any such act of revenge against anyone for any reason is without a doubt completely forbidden, and saying something on this or any blog which could Chas Vshalom cause a goy to think that Klal Yisroel condones this behavior unthinkable

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