Gedolei Yisrael Shlita on the Murder of Arab Youth

shtMaran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita spoke out on the murder of the 16-year-old Jerusalem Arab teen by Jews R”L. The Gadol Hador said “מי שעושה מעשים כאלו, הרי הוא רודף של כלל ישראל”, joining a psak released by HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita a day earlier.

Also speaking out was the Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita, who lamented the actions of Jews who took a human life R”L. The Badatz Eida Chareidis released a statement under the banner headline “בושנו מכל עם”, continuing by condemning the act.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. It’s such an arab way of doing things they should target the folks who killed our boys not some no shaiches arab youth. I’m all for killing arabs providing it makes sense and will be conducive to future calm.

  2. I’ve seen all the articles about the killers being Jewish, but this is the first time that I’ve seen mentioned that they were chareidi. How can that be? people who consider themselves anti-government are committing nationalistic murders?!? Makes no sense….

  3. Non-zionists hold there is a prohibition of spilling blood – which explains why they refuse to serve in the IDF. Once someone from a frum background goes off that derekh and accepts the zionist haskafa, it is to be expected they will be anxious to spill Arab blood.

    If Torah requires Jews to conquer the land of Israel and make it into a Jewish state, then ethnic cleansing would be a mitsva. If Torah prohibts spilling blood (as R. Shteinman and the Eidah hareidis hold), and since a Jewish state can only come into existence at this time by conquest, then establishing a Jewish state at this time is prohibited.

  4. “…who lamented the actions of Jews who took a human life….”

    Will someone please tell me, besides the court of public opinion, when and where and how were the Jewish “suspects” tried and convicted?????????

  5. #4: No one gives that reason for not serving in the IDF. Pikuch nefesh, haboh lehorgecho hashkeim vehorgo, milchemes chovoh, etc., all apply bizman hazeh.

  6. מי שעושה מעשים כאלו, הרי הוא רודף של כלל ישראל

    Does this include any jew who kills an arab like the settlers, the government and the idf?

  7. to #5 They did confess to the murders.
    There is much to be said about this terrible situation. Jews may defend themselves, but this is beyond the pale. This is unacceptable. As opposed to the police/army defending us against rioting hoards. Take off the gloves and put some fear into them. We know the world will indict Israel for defending themselves. The policemen/soldiers should not be prosecuted for any actions taken when they are attacked by rioters!

  8. Akuperma you are totally wrong on the reason the frum dont want to join the army it has nothing at all with not wanting to spill blood i challenge you to quote one gadol who has reasoned that way. the 2 main reasons are to keep the status quoe that frum people can remain learning and to shield them from the immorality which takes place in the idf

  9. Devash: The suspects (both the Jews who killed the Arab kid, and the Arabs who killed three Jewish kids) are all merely accused. If the Israeli police are to be believed, they have very strong evidence (in part since the Israelis are very good at hacking people’s cell phones). While there may be issues as to any specific individual’s guilt (and this applies to both Jews and Arabs – and Israeli “confessions” are always to be doubted, as in any police state), there does seem to be very strong evidence that the three Jewish kids were murdered by Arab terrorists, and the Arab kid was murdered by a Jewish terrorist.

    Part of the reason to attach credibility to the conclusions is that both events would be much easier for the Israeli government if they had been non-political, and so the conclusion of the Israeli police that the four people were victims of terrorism is not what their masters wanted to hear. If it wasn’t terrorism, they would be sure to make that as obvious as possible (regardless of the actual guilt of any specific individual being charged).

  10. There’s an afene pasuk in the Torah that says that during a time of war it’s mutar to kill all grown men aged 13 and up. It’s only the women and children who it’s asur to kill. Why is this killing any worse than killing terrorists who don’t have blood on their hands but simply present a danger? This kid could have gotten involved in violence, maybe throwing a rock at a car and hitting an infant killing it. I believe that in a time of war this act is entirely appropriate. As they did to us so did we do to them. Just like Shimshon Hagibor said about the Plishtim that he killed.

  11. eric55 : ר’יואל מסאטמר

    Frum zionists object to the army since they are too busy learning and associating with non-frum Jews will be corrupting (these groups also live off of government handouts and have been very upset when they were cut off).

    Hareidim hold that army service is prohibited regardless of whether you are learning, and they do not accept government and say “I told you so” when the zionists cut off funding for the pro-zionist yeshivos.

    Remember that if there was a mitzvah to establish a Jewish state at this time, and over the objections of the goyim – then it would be a mitsvah to serve in the army just as it was the last time HaShem told us to conquer the land. Many Jews, some of whom are frum, confuse David Ben Gurion and Theodore Herzl for משה רבינו and יהושע בן נןן.

  12. I’m shocked! This article and others like it where Rabbanim accept accusations without investigation from the Shin Bet, secular Jews who have no yiras shamayim and no chezkas kashrus, literally makes me cry. The only evidence they have are the “confessions” of the boys after being tortured almost to death as is their standard policy when framing someone.

    #1 Who ever heard of criminals to officially go commit such a major crime as murder and taking along young kids? At the most they would do it with a partner but not with 6! Even non-Jews would not go about it in such a way.

    #2 How “coincidental” that the 6 boys knew to kill precisely the kid whom Arabs were after for a while already?

    #3 How did these 6 boys know exactly where this kid lives?

    #4 That clip clearly showed some men looking for someone to help them get out of Arab Harlem. That’s all it shows. Nothing more.

    #5 As soon as the mother heard that the boy was burnt, she immediately accused Jews, while the boy’s father had a different story. He told police that Arabs killed him but the police refused to believe him and preferred to indict some Jews. To the mother’s luck, some Jews passed by that Arab city were no Jews would step foot and she was able to point her dirty fingers at them. And everybody buys her fictitious story.

    #6 The mother didn’t cry and wasn’t sad or even upset about her child’s death. She was just anxious to accuse Jews.

    #7 Had there been some integrity to this story, the Shin Bet would have taken the parents of the murdered kid in for questioning as they usually do in such cases, unless it will defeat their purpose of showing the world that Jews can be as cruel as Arabs if they’ll discover that Arabs were behind it after all.

    #8 Who ever heard of prohibiting lawyers at the investigation as long as the boys don’t confess?

    #9 People should know by now that the Zionist police grab anybody in the vicinity of a murder or other crimes and “force” them to confess. How many innocent men/boys pass rioting streets only to be grabbed off the street by police and forced by the Shin Bet to confess that they threw stones, or “settlers” grabbed from their homes and forced to admit that they burnt Arab olive trees down and then languish in jails for who knows how long for their “crime” they “confessed”? There are many more cases and plenty of examples where innocent men and women are guinea pigs for Zionists’ political reasons.

    Even if the boys will be “found” guilty at the end and sentenced to jail, Jews should not believe it as this is nothing but motzi shem ra. The Zionists who are apt to anything even to murder (like Rabbi Meir Kahana Hy”d, Yaakov DeHan Hy”d, the doctors and nurses who attended Yitzchak Rabin after his assassination Hy”d, the 19 boys and soldiers on the Altalena ship Hy”d, etc) have no problem fabricating such stories against Jews.

    This is clearly another Zionist lynching of Jews and sadly people buy it blindly. Hashem yerachem! We need Mashiach now to bring justice to Israel (and the rest of the world).

  13. There’s approximately 14 spam comments on this article. Let’s make it very clear Rav Shteinman knows psak halacha and Torah hashkafah better than you keyboard am harratzim will ever know. As a frum Jew I am appalled that other frum Jews can kill an innocent child. I am even more appalled that instead of outrage at this clearly barbaric act many frum people are condoning it. We don’t kill innocent people! We are rachmanim! If you have no rachmanus on innocent people then check your yichus!

  14. While yes the Palestinians hate us, we don’t want to be like them. That’s why we condemn those who do acts as they do, ie. murder. We are Not like that. We Jews respect life. We believe in getting rid or terror, but don’t intentionally hurt innocent individuals. We are a people of morals, compassion and justice and light.

  15. In response to: “#8 Who ever heard of prohibiting lawyers at the investigation as long as the boys don’t confess?”

    Israeli law is based on British law, and in particular the “export” version used in places such as Ireland and the overseas colonies. It’s similar to American law, however it lacks such features as habeas corpus, due process, right to counsel, presumption of innocence, trial by jury, etc.

  16. Akuperma is back again with his neturei karta hatred again. Therefore he falsely confuses the idea of serving in the army with supporting zionism and with conquering land. Remember, this is the same guy who referred to the murder if the 3 bochurim as collateral damage. He still doesnt get it. Il say it again. The army is there to defend Jewish lives from arab murderers who want to annihilate all of us, including him and his freinds in the neturei karta. This is a mitzvo. No one is confusing moshe rabbeinu with lehavdil herzl

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