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Widespread Israeli Arab Rioting Continues


The violent protests and riots in the Israeli Arab sector continued on Sunday night, the eve of 9 Tammuz 5774. The rioting began with the kidnapping and death of 16-year-old Muhmad Abu-Khadir . Six Jewish suspects have been arrested in the case.

Hundreds of members of the Israeli Arab community took part in violence on Route 70 in the Galil, burning tires and hurling bottles and stones at police. Firebombs were also hurled at police. B’chasdei Hashem there were no fatalities or serious injuries.

The protestors tried closing Route 70 between Somech and Achihud Junctions. 14 Israeli Arabs were arrested. In total, 55 Israeli Arab citizens were arrested in violent protests on Sunday.

Police do not feel the rioting is an organized effort in the Israeli Arab community, but more spontaneous events in different areas.

The violence continued on Har Habayis as well as Arab pelted Jewish visitors with rocks. Police moved in and used riot control gear to distance the attackers. Unlike in past occurrences, police did not ban non-Muslim visitors to Har Habayis after the violence.

There is a growing list of rock-throwing attacks against Jewish motorists in Yehuda, Shomron, Yerushalayim, on the road to and from the capital and Maale Adumim and other areas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This is thanks to the Zionists’ folly of stupidly trying to accuse a Jew with their “evidence” believing that it’ll calm things down, instead, it brought the Arabs mobs out daily. Had they gone after the real criminals, the Arabs, as they would normally have done, there would most likely not have been these daily riots.

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