President Peres Addressed the Murder of Muhmad Abu-Khenin

perPresident Shimon Peres on Sunday, 8 Tammuz 5774 addressed the abduction and murder of Muhammad Abu -Khenin and said, “If a Jew kills they will be put to the court like any other criminal, there is no privilege, the law is equal to all and all are equal before the law. On that there is no compromise. We do not distinguish between blood and blood. The murder of a child is reprehensible, regardless of the religion or nationality of the child. It is our responsibility to secure life and to punish those who take it away from others. We’re a nation that is not looking for war; peace remains our strategic, historic and moral preference. Israel is a proud democracy and decisions are taken by the majority through ballots, not by the minority with bullets”

President Peres repeated his call for an end to incitement and violence, “We must stop the incitement, it’s time to be respectful and to respect the law. It’s in our hands. We know where words can lead, to more sorrow, to more danger. It’s time for all of us to show restraint, to show understanding and let us as human beings, all of us, be true to our morality and to our hope of living together in peace.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. It was a set up by the government to flair the flames of war. That is why they all knew right away that it was a revenge attack, when the major PM and MKs jumped the gun before there was evidence.

  2. “If a Jew kills they will be put to the court like any other criminal”
    Unless ofcourse you become the prime minister through his death…..

  3. “We do not distinguish between blood and blood.”

    Peres speaks like a true Diplomat.
    Just one problem:

    Whenever Arabs (with Jewish blood on their hands) were released during past deals, why weren’t any Jews (with Arab blood on their hands) also released at the same time?

    Doesn’t that sort of send the message that there is indeed a difference “between blood and blood”?!

  4. I do not recall hearing statements from President Peres when Jews have been stoned and killed on the roads and in their homes, nor do I generally remember hearing about the prosecution of the perpetrators. His words notwithstanding, apparently race does indeed make a difference.

  5. . You hate to say it but he’s a low life who is responsible for alot of the problems. I hope he’s enjoying all of his Nobel Peace Prizes

  6. While all your opinions are, umm, heard.. the fact is that it’s a HUGE chillul hashem. And no matter how it’s put, the fact that six Jews went and killed a CHILD, is abhorrent. Revenge killing is not the answer, and the world will look at us with more vindictiveness than necessary because of this.

  7. It’s funny to hear a very flawed man with blood on his hands talk about morals. The Isreali government is a big jike

  8. You are all being way too harsh. Whether any of your allegations about him personally are true or not, does not change the situation here.

    to #4 – There is no need for him to announce that, because it goes without saying that they will and DO investigate and attempt to prosecute crimes committed by Arabs against Jews. The novelty of his speech here is that he offers to do the opposite too.

    1) The victim in this case is without question just that – an innocent victim. While you may not care about the death of some arab, it nevertheless is a very bad precedent if innocent bystanders are being murdered just because the attackers had some agenda. There is no shortage of angry people on all sides in Israel, and it would become a very dangerous place for anyone to walk down the street. So for (almost) the same reason that we are all angry about the three bochurim, we should not be complacent about this murder.

    2) A Jew does not have the right to kill even a Goy, except in war situation or in self defense. This was neither, and therefore the perpetrators are just plain murderers.

    3) The timing of this is such that these murderers are also Rodfim – inciting an already flammable situation, and endangering the lives of their fellow Jews. At a time when the whole world was politically forced into publicly denouncing the kidnapping and murder of three Jews, (no doubt reluctantly and unwillingly) public view ever so slightly tilted in favor of the Jews. Then this horrible act enabled them all to say that Israel is no better – and of course they will twist it to make us out to be worse than them. The resulting rioting, wars, intifada, and whatever else, will all be the fault of these murderers. The blood of many Jews that are likely to die in the future as a direct or indirect result, is on their hands.

    Just go back and read your own comment from a week or two ago, when EVERYONE was assuming that this was a frame-up planned by the Arabs themselves, to make Israel look bad. Well guess what, they did not have to fake it, some Jews managed to do their job for them.

  9. Btw did chareidim do it or was it a different group? Chilul hashem?u dont live a tora life unfortunately thosis a result but just plz keep attacking the PARASITES whodo. NOTHING but learn torah and mussar all day

  10. To add to yitzyk…peres doesnt address arabs when they kill he addrsses jews because jews are his people and will hopefully listen to his words…so to ask why he doesnt say anything when an arab attacks a jew is not a question…we expect more from jews

  11. @takingabreak (#9)

    Regardless as to whether or not I or anyone else here, lives a Torah life, murder is MURDER. Our people do not behave that way, and they MURDERED a CHILD. Period. There is no argument that they did it, they admit they did it, and they admit that it was out of revenge. That is an enormous Chillul Hashem and their actions are abhorent and reprehensible. Anyone with G-d in their life would recognize that. And, for the record, you don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong, than you lack empathy, not religion.

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