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Statement of OU and RCA on Arrest by Israel of Jewish Suspects in Killing

oThe Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America unequivocally condemn the brutal murder of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir. We are appalled that this heinous crime was allegedly carried out in revenge for the kidnapping and murders of three innocent Jewish teens in Gush Etzion. The murder of innocents is antithetical to Jewish law and tradition and must always be opposed by men and women of decency and morality. This merciless act of brutality defiles the name of God and desecrates the memories of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel. We pray for the day when such senseless acts of violence will cease. We mourn the victim and offer condolences to his grieving family. We salute the Government of Israel for resolutely and without hesitation seeking to bring to justice the perpetrators of this reprehensible crime.

Orthodox Union

Rabbinical Council of America

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Look at the diffetence between us and them we abhor. Violence. They love violence and celebrate ir. Withe tbe aoproval and or connivance of their LEADERS

  2. Strange, but I haven’t been able to find a similar condemnation of the brutal murder of the three kedoshim, HY”D, by any Muslim clerical organization.

    Go figure…

  3. Thank you ou
    But why is it always “us” who is trying to do good.
    Why is there a feeling of putting more effort to find who killed this Arab boy.
    Is the PA putting in the effort trying to find our boys killers? – no!!!
    Why the “hard line” talk from Bibi?
    Why is he not taking the appropriate action?
    There is something wrong with this
    “Unbalanced equation”

  4. The only saving grace in this quote is “allegedly.” Nevertheless, it seems like that is just a bone thrown to we who don’t convict on accusations.

  5. Enough of this.
    All we asked the world for when our 3 boys were murdered was empathy. That everyone forget the politics and mourn the loss of innocent life.
    Believe it or not, our Arab cousins deserve the same.
    This 16 year old boy did not kill our 3 boys, he might even have been vehemently against it, and you know what, he was innocent.
    He might have been murdered by Jews, because just because someone is Jewish, doesn’t mean they don’t do awful things.
    We should get rid of the hypocrisy, and mourn.

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