Pro-Shabbos Rock Attacks in Yerushalayim

charnIt was a difficult Shabbos in Yerushalayim for police, who were compelled to deal with a considerable amount of violence. There was Arab violence and well as Jewish violence.

One of the hot areas was Shmuel HaNavi and Bar Ilan, where Jewish youths hurled stones at passing vehicles.

Baruch Hashem there were no fatalities or injuries as a result of the Shabbos rock attacks. No arrests were reported. Police are investigating in the hope of finding the suspects.

There were also the weekly Shivtei Yisrael and HaNevi’im Streets pro-Shabbos protest.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. We have Arabs killing our kids and THIS is what Jews are busy with? Isn’t hurling rocks muktza? How about leaving chilonim alone and showing more of the achdut we demonstrated over the past 3 weeks? Some of us are busy organizing & participating in Tehillim groups, different drives to help our soldiers etc, & some of us are making a chilul Hashem on an ongoing basis. Now this is where all you fanatics crawl out of the woodwork to call me all sorts of names, including goyta. So sad.

  2. I pass that intersection every Shabbos, and I can tell you that it’s not chareidim who are throwing rocks or the other “activities” there. It’s “mesortiyim” who are barely shomer shabbos themselves, and certainly don’t know the halachos of muktzeh or much else. It’s become their weekly past time when they are bored. Not “fanatics” nor anything else chareidi.

  3. computerbubby – before the fanatics do that, let me say that what you wrote is exactly what I was just going to write!

  4. DikDukDuck, you would have been better off ducking this suguya. Muktza is the least of the issues. Driving on Shabbos is not muktza. It’s a melacha de’oraitah. Throwing a rock, on Shabbos or any other day can kill.

  5. “Remind me again,,, What separates US from THEM?”

    For one, I venture to bet far fewer of THEM post negative, divisive comments about their own.

  6. Leave it up to the media to distort the whole scene, with pictures of yiden who really care about the honor of Shabbos because the chillul pains them and therefore cry out in protest, and an unrelated caption about rock throwers.
    I also pass this intersection every week and it is teens at risk that throw the rocks just to create action…

  7. do they actually think this what Hashem wants from them on his holy shabbos? not in a bais medrish? throwing rocks, a nice oneg shabbos activity

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