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NYPD Launching ‘Summer All Out’ Program To Combat Spike In Shootings

nypdn1Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has reacted to a recent spike in shootings by announcing a 90-day “Summer All Out” program.

The program calls for as many as 400 veteran officers assigned to desk jobs, including counterterror work, to return to the streets, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported.

Shootings in the city are up 8 percent over the first six months of 2014.

“We do notice with concern the fact that shootings have been up slightly,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said. “We had 521 shootings for the first half of the year. Last year, 486 shooting incidents.”

The extra officers are being sent to high-crime areas like the 103rd Precinct, where the murder rate is up 75 percent, Kramer reported.

Sources told Kramer the 103rd Precinct will be receiving an additional 82 officers, some from the pool of desk officers and some from a group of 600 rookies also being thrown at the crime spike.


3 Responses

  1. Why to the 103rd, Mr. Deblasio/Bratton? That’s “profiling”! Isn’t that being a racist in your book? You know exactly what ethnicity lives there!
    Why don’t you just hire more cops, on the taxpayers dime, to write more parking tickets? That will show them!

  2. It’s not just stop and frisk, it’s the whole Liberal philosophy. No serious punishment for crimes. The voters get
    fooled by the race issue. This Mayor fools them even more by getting a top Police Commish!

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