Kfar Kassam Resident: Jews Attacked Me

mishMoussa Abu Iyash, 24, a resident of the Israeli Arab municipality of Kfar Kassam on Wednesday, 4 Tammuz told police he was attacked by Jews. Abu Iyash told Petach Tikvah police that a few hours after the nation learned of the discovery of the bodies of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach HY”D he was attacked by eight Jews disguised as policemen. “They beat me and stabbed me. I saw death flash before my eyes” he is quoted saying. He told police “They shouted ‘dirty Arab’, ‘you don’t deserve to live’ and ‘you belong in the grave’” Yisrael Hayom reports.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Fascinating! 8 Jews disguised as policemen? If he had said that to me, I would reply, “No. Those were policemen. In these parts the only policemen that there are, are Jews. The other ones, the Arabs, they’re animals.

  2. If this story is true, these 8 Jews just made a terrible chillul Hashem. I hope their happy!!! Our job in golus is to keep a low profile. Not to make the front page of the newspaper. When Hashem redeems us, He will punish those who oppressed us.

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