PHOTOS: Levaya News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael [17:45 IL]



The bereaved families have asked all government officials who will be maspid the kedoshim at the main levaya not to get into political statements but to limit remarks to the event, the families and the kedoshim.

Chords Bridge protest over the killing of the boys is becoming stormy as hundreds of participants are not willing to adhere to police on the scene. Vehicular traffic in the area is blocked. Confrontations erupting between Jews and Arabs.

Speaking at the Talmon memorial for Gilad Shaar, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon said “We now understand more than ever that the might and strength of the State of Israel are the only tools at our disposal in our quest to defeat terrorism and protect our society. Those who seek reconciliation and negotiations with callous murderers are not only deluding themselves, but endangering the people and country that we all love so deeply.”

The prime minister’s media advisor announces Mr. Netanyahu will deliver a statement to the media at 20:30 before the Security Cabinet convenes again. He will not respond to any questions.

The Security Cabinet is reportedly sharply divided between the right and left-wing cabinet ministers as to the appropriate response to Hamas.

MK Eli Yishai at Modi’in Levaya: All of Am Yisrael has had an opportunity to meet special families. The entire nation is here, physically or in spirit. This is a national tragedy and these are kedoshim who were murdered Al Kiddush Hashem. The message is to keep the achdus going and I feel this is the last will of these kedoshim, to continue their shlichus, each and every one of us in our own way.

Zaka ambulances carrying the aronot of the kedoshim HY”D is arriving in Modi’in at this time.


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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Protest photos: Aaron Wahav, News 24)

6 Responses

  1. In light of the tragedy that we, the Jewish nation, just experienced, we cannot help but ask ourselves ‘why’? Why would G-d allow such a tragedy to happen to three of His innocent young boys? Why would G-d do this to their families? Any why would Hashem instill such pain unto his nation?

    Since the abduction of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali our nation as one has rallied around the three young boys. It is hard to remember any time in recent history that the Jewish people came together globally the way these three boys united us. Weddings were interrupted for the safe return of the boys. Gatherings to recite tehillim were happening all throughout the world. ‘#BringBackOurBoys’ went viral and brought people together from all different backgrounds, who otherwise would had no connection with each other. Whether religious or not – Chassidish,‘yeshivish’, modern orthodox, conservative or traditional – we were all brought together and reminded that at the end of the day we are one giant family. A family whose love for one another is strengthened when facing adversity.

    We will never know G-d’s intentions, but it’s pretty clear that, if nothing else, Hashem chose Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali to serve as his shilluchim, or messangers, to His people. We may have become a bit to comfortable and complacent within society, but at the end of the day we were reminded that all is in the hand’s of Hashem and that we are all his people, regardless of our beliefs within Judaism.

    Now that the search is completed, we cannot let the tragic death of the three boys be for naught. Let’s take G-d’s message to heart and let this tragedy serve as a meaningful lesson. Let’s continue to remain united as a nation and treating each other as though we are related. Let’s take upon ourselves to be more cognisant of the mitvah ‘v’ahavtah l’reyachah komochah – you shall love your fellows as yourself’. May Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali get the zechus of serving as the shluchim that ultimately leads us to our redemption in the very near future.

  2. There were so many signs asking for נקמה. Unfortunately, an ancient Ashkenazic custom was not practised in regard to this very need. The custom is to put knives with black handles in the hands of the Kedoshim, the blades in their hands and the handles upward. Doing this enables the Kedoshim to take revenge against their own murderers. This custom was once done in Cracow, Poland, with devastating results. Each murderer of a certain Jew was found in his bed stabbed to death in his head.

  3. Are these the only pictures you can show? Where are the pictures of the crowds with so many diverse types attending – showing the Achdus? Where are the pictures of people being Maspid? You photos look like people are attending a Hafganah.

  4. #1 Amen! Beautifully said. may we know of no more tzaros for ALL Jews. Let us show Hashem that we have heard his message, as painful as it is. Yehi Zichrom Baruch.

  5. I was in my car at Chords Bridge & it was noisy & energetic but not violent. Media only shows one side of the story.

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