VIDEOS: 18 Days of Tefilos, Hope & Achdus Came to an Abrupt End


As time passed the message became stronger. With each passing day security officials hinted at what the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) knew, that the boys were most likely executed shortly after they were abducted from Alon Shvut Junction on Thursday night, the eve of 15 Sivan 5774. When the experts examined the recording of the phone call made at 22:25 that night, they heard the shouts “we were kidnapped” followed by the gunshots. When the burned sedan was found, they saw the weapon and the spent shells from the bullets that were fired. The families were made aware of the findings and despite the pessimistic picture that left little room for hope, they exhibited strength and an unshakable bitachon in HKBH, sending a positive message that united Jews around the globe.

The Kidnapping:

Gilad Shaar and Yifrach Frenkel HY”D left Yeshivat Makor Chaim on Thursday 14 Sivan at about 22:00. They went to the nearby hitchhiking post at Alon Shvut Junction in Gush Etzion, a short distance from their yeshiva hoping to catch a ride home.

After not too long, a Hyundai i35 sedan pulled up and at least one of the terrorists was in the vehicle at that time. It was a short time when the youths realized they were being abducted as the call came in to police at 22:25. Gilad Shaar phoned ‘100’ and tried to inform authorities they were being kidnapped.

The IDF soldier on loan to Israel Police who took the distress call passed it to his supervisor to determine how to handle the call. A loud ruckus was heard on the line, possibly gunfire, prolonged crying and then a radio in the background. The conversation lasted for two minutes and nine seconds. Police tried calling back the number seven or eight times. The calls were directed immediately to voice mail. It is theorized the terrorists turned off the phone.

The call was then turned over to the shift supervisor who ultimately decided to ignore it.

Hours passed and the parents were concerned as the boys had notified them they were heading home but they never arrived. Parents turned to police, informing them their boys were missing. At the same time more or less, police received a report that a Hyundai i35 was burning near Dura, in the Kiryat Arba area. Only at 06:50 on Friday morning 15 Sivan was a “kidnapping” declared after the pieces of the puzzle were put together. Cell phone information pointed authorities to Yehuda Junction.

Beginning to Piece Together Fragments of Information:

The ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) took charge as soldiers from different agencies began providing fragments of information found during the search. Operation Brothers Return was in full swing amid the knowledge the critical hours following the phone call had been lost due to the Israel Police blunder.

Security cameras at Alon Shvut Junction and along the road, as well as those visualizing Beit Kahil provided the first pictures into what occurred and the search began. Not a stone was left unturned as soldiers understood the mission all too well.

Despite the knowledge and the operating premise, the announcement was made that the search was a rescue and not a recovery operation. The nation was told that officials believe the boys were alive. Simultaneously, commanders were instructed to direct their troops to caves, wells and ravines, areas that terrorists could use to dump body parts. One senior officer explains that even if information was received five minutes after the boys were abducted, it might have been too late to change the tragic outcome.

Over 2,500 locations were inspected as the search & rescue mission continued. The IDF was trying to pressure Hamas as it was making arrests and working the intelligence community to the maximum. 419 arrests were made, which included 276 Hamas members of which 12 are commanders. The PA (Palestinian Authority) was passing information to Israeli agencies as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) publically announced the kidnapping of the youths was harmful to the PA.

Kidnappers Panicked:

The 18-day search for the kedoshim has ended but the manhunt for the terrorists continues, now in the Telem area. Authorities believe that after the terrorists realized Gilad Shaar managed to phone police from the car they panicked. They probably wanted to get rid of the boys as quickly as possible and shooting them was the option they selected.

IDF Accepted Assistance on the Last Day:

On Friday 15 Sivan, the directors of the עמיתים לטיולים hiking company, Meir Rotter and Amit Erarat offered their services. Their staff was involved with the search, assisting the IDF from that Friday. About ten days ago, the Etzion Brigade commander of the IDF asked the Kfar Etzion Field School to join in as well.

On Monday 2 Tammuz at about 17:30 the civilians assisting in the search found the bodies along with soldiers they were assisting, from the 900th Brigade, members of the elite Maglan unit of the Paratroops Corps. The signs were suspicious and they realized that something was superficially covered in the area.

After a short effort to clear the area their fears were confirmed and DNA samples were taken to confirm the identities of the bodily remains. Officials began making the notifications to the families and to senior commanders and government officials.

Aveilus in Elad:

The area the bodies were discovered/ spontaneous memorials:

An IDF English Spokesman:

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The Rambam writes that every once in a while we get flash of clarity similar to the way a flash of lightning lights up the sky for a moment and then disappears. This tragedy which unified Klal Yisroel, I believe, is one of those times. We need to look past our different approaches in avodas Hashem and love and respect all members in Klal Yisroel. May Hashem bentch all of Klal Yisroel and bring the long-awaited fellah now.

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