Golani Junction May be Asra Kadisha’s Next Battleground

asraMajor digging is underway at Golani Junction, digging that jeopardizes ancient kevarim, Yated Neeman is reporting.

The report is based on eyewitness testimony from Sunday, 2 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, which states major doffing is underway from Golani Junction to Kedarim Junction in northern Israel. The construction is part of the project to expand Route 65. The report states the work adjacent to the kever of Chavakuk HaNavi and Rabbeinu B’Chayai.

One of the witnesses is quoted saying “I saw with my own eyes that loads of dirt with bones in them were moved from the scene without any supervision whatsoever.

Yated contacted MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Moshe Gafne, who stated he will contact the Ministry of Religious Services and seek to immediately halt the construction until supervision can be arranged.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Please let’s be careful not to post any postings that will create machlokes between people. Perhaps Hashem is looking down at us now – and hoping that after our tragedy we can keep our achdus intact. Please think before you post. And if you disagree with what someone else posted or you have an opinion to offer about the posting, please write in a respectful, mentchlich way. We cannot afford to lose the achdus that we gained. It will be a desecration to the memories of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali and to their families.

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