Once High-Flying Brooklyn Prosecutor Joe Hynes Faces Threat To Legacy

hynesThe once sterling reputation of Charles “Joe” Hynes has been tarnished with accusations that threaten the legacy of a man New York City turned to at the height of racial unrest more than two decades ago.

Then-Gov. Mario Cuomo appointed Hynes as the special prosecutor in the 1980s to investigate a notorious racial attack in Howard Beach, Queens. Hynes went on to serve six terms as Brooklyn’s district attorney.

Now, federal and state authorities are investigating allegations that Hynes funneled more than $200,000 in forfeiture money from drug and other criminal probes into his doomed re-election campaign. The city’s Department of Investigation says the alleged misuse of funds could amount to larceny.

A lawyer for the 79-year-old Hynes says his client stands by his record and denies any wrongdoing.


4 Responses

  1. Hopefully this lying thug will spend the rest of his life in jail untill the day he dies .This thug always said the only way he is leaving office is in a box. He put innocent people in jail.
    He is a dirty corrupted thug

  2. May he feel what he made others feel when they did not deserve it, just to justify his ego he forced it on them.

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