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Former NSA Amidror: Israel Must Cooperate With Jordan Against ISIS

amidorFormer National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror feels Israel should be working together with Jordan for the mutual benefit of both nations, to push back any ISIS effort to take control of the Hashemite Kingdom.

According to a report appearing in the Daily Beast, there are fears among US officials that Jordan may call on her allies for assistance and this would include America and Israel and lead to an all-out war.

Amidror feels that cooperating with Jordan is in Israel’s interest as it is Jordan’s and Israel must stand ready to respond to a call for assistance.

ISIS has recently stated to the media that it has plans to advance forward to a number of nations including Jordan and Syria.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. which of course would undermine the Muslim moderates leading to Israel being a war with a much larger and more powerful fanatical Islamic state – and at a time where it is unlikely that the USA would be able to offer any help

    As long as Israel is insistent on being a westernized, secular zionist state, they can forget about any meaningful peace with the Muslims. No matter how much the Israelis prefer the current regimes in Syria, Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Jordan, if Israel gets involved it would cause a strong backlash (imagine what the Israeli reaction would be in very Arab countries got involve in Israel’s “War on hareidim”). Better for Israel to stay neutral, and offer humanitarian assistance, and not get involved in the Muslim’s civil wars.

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