Piron Apologizes to the To’eva Community

pironEducation Minister Rabbi Shai Piron issued an apology to Israel’s to’eva community. The minister spoke with Channel 10 News on Sunday morning 2 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, apologizing for remarks last week that “a to’eva couple does not represent a family. In his apology and clarification he stated it is not his place to state what does and does not represent a family.

Piron in an interview in the weekly BaSheva addresses many issues, including the to’eva community and while he also states he does not view a to’eva couple as a “mishpacha”. This led to a wave of condemnations against Piron from the to’eva community and the liberal camp.

He was quick to apologize and expressed his “significant pain” over making the remark which should not have been said.

He explained himself by stating there is an issue between the world of halacha and religion and the liberal society and there is room to argue if such couples represent a family or not. He added that he has devoted his career to “bridging”
the halachic and liberal worlds and is therefore pained and sorrowed over his own remarks.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. “there is an issue between the world of halacha and religion and the liberal society and there is room to argue if such couples represent a family or not”

    “He was quick to apologize and expressed his “significant pain” over making the remark”

    Wow, the fat back stabbing “laugher” is a disgrace to the Jewish Nation! For these perverts he’s apologizing to but for the entire Torah community he’s not??? How about the pain he is causing the Aibishter??? What a lowlife piece of trash! He aught to take that stupid yarmulke off his head!

  2. Grand Lubavitcher Rebbe ZTZL on a similar case once said, Gudol Chet Hachron Min Urishon, the first statement no one asked you so its stupidity the second one in a sin to retreat from the truth in this case is a sin

  3. Piron must be under the influence of drugs – – apologize to the perverts? They should apologize to the olam… the abduction of our three teenagers happened right after the toe’va parade (the largest!) in Tel Aviv. It is not wise to spit in Hashem’s face.

  4. fist of all what makes him a rabbi somebody that apologizes for saying the torah truth and then recants is an apikorus and koifer second there cannot be bridges between torah and soinai hadas

  5. So Lapid read the riot act to him, and he doesn’t have the backbone to stick to his opinion. Too bad for him.

  6. “he has devoted his career to “bridging”
    the halachic and liberal worlds… ”

    And rabbi mordechai eliyahu gave this toeiva smicha. So much for smichas coming out of that office.

  7. A toeva couple, regardless of whether they’ve adopted children or even hired surrogate parents, cannot be considered a family unit.

    I’m not sorry. It’s my opinion and I’m proud of it!

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