FM Liebermans Vision for Peace with the PA

liebermanAfter a recent visit to Europe, it appears that Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s peace initiative may enjoy the backing of the EU community and even the United States. Lieberman also met with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Paris last week as well as with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

Lieberman spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) Sunday morning 2 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz and explained his plan is in line with today’s Mideast realities, the collapse of talks between Israel and the PA, the situation in Iraq and the announced ambitions of ISIS, which is part of the regional instability. Perhaps adding to interest in his plan is the announcement by US Special Envoy Martin Indyk, who last week stated he is calling it quits, stepping down as from his role as overseeing and aiding the talks between Israel and the PA. Indyk explained that he feels “battered” and has decided to step down.

Lieberman’s vision involved not only the PA, but other Arab nations. He explains that if there is agreement, the nations will sign on the dotted line with Israel and with the stroke of a pen, bring an end to issues pertaining to Israeli Arab citizens. While Lieberman is not publicizing his plan at the moment, in the past he favored land swapping with the PA to reach agreement, a deal that include shifting Israeli Arab in the Nachal I’ron (Wadi Ara) area to the PA. He feels that demographically this is advantageous for Israel in addition to permitting the Arabs to realize their aspirations of living under PA control. Lieberman explains the dispute is three dimensional, and one cannot exclude Israeli Arabs from the formula for they are a part of the problem. He feels that if a deal is made with the PA that excludes Israeli Arab citizens, the latter, will then demand autonomy. He feels that is a genuine interest by moderate Arab nations to reach agreement against the common enemy, Iran and the Global Jihad.

Lieberman feels these moderate Arab nations are genuinely interested in working with Israel and sharing intelligence information and developing a more solid relationship with the USA.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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