Rav Schlesinger Questions R’ Wein’s Implied Support for R’ Stern

sternRabbi Eliyahu Schlesinger Shlita is the rav of the Gilo neighborhood of Yerushalayim as well as the rav/posek of the Jerusalem Religious Council. Rabbi Schlesinger was referring to the interview with Israel Radio given by HaPeles’ R’ Yeshayahu Wein. Wein stated that at present there is no chareidi litvish candidate for the position of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim. Therefore, it is possible that HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita will support the dati leumi candidate, Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita, who he stated is a talmid chacham. Wein indicated that if Rabbi Stern appears to be committed to preserving kashrus in the city then it is possible the Bnei Torah will vote for him. The party affiliated with Rav Auerbach has one vote in the local chief rabbinate election.

Speaking with the chareidi media on erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas 5774, Rabbi Schlesinger expressed surprise, pointing out that Rabbi Auerbach is well aware that he views himself as the chareidi candidate for the post. He adds that in the past, Rav Auerbach event approached Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L calling upon him to back Rav Schlesinger but this did not occur because Rav Elyashiv did not wish to become involved in the political arena.

Rav Schlesinger added this story was told by Rav Auerbach in front of guests on chol hamoed Sukkos, including to Rav Yosef Efrati Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. haPeles is the Litvish anti-Litvish party that is for use of force and ultra politics (money).

    In Israel, many Litvish rosh yeshivas have come out so strong against Peles that avraichim who subscribe to it can be thrown out of kollels for it.

    It is put in mail boxes since no one will buy it, and pulled out and stomped upon but the frum yidden here.

  2. What did he mean when he said: ‘if Rabbi Stern appears to be committed to preserving kashrus in the city’? Prima facie, it is an appalling statement.

  3. #1 For your information, HaPeles is as Litvish as Yated and they both use political force.

    Also, Yated is put into mailboxes for free just like HaPeles.

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