10,000s to Attend Kenos Hisorarus Marking the 20th Yahrzeit for the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L

rebbe10’s of thousands of Jews around the world will mark the 20th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L on 3 Tammuz. On Thursday night, tens of thousands of chassidim will be filing Yad Eliyahu Stadium to attend a special hisorarus event which will highlight the Rebbe’s work and accomplishments.

Tzieri Chabad in Eretz Yisrael has a special program for Thursday night, the eve of 29 Sivan, in Yad Eliyahu. A special video production will be part of the event along with playing Chabad niggunim. The event will begin with tefillas maariv, and then words of hisorarus will be heard from prominent shluchim and rabbonim shlita.

CEO of Tzieri Chabad in Eretz Yisrael HaRav Yosef Yitzchak HaKohen Aharonoff explains many gathering take place but this 20th yahrzeit event will highlight the accomplishment of the movement which is bringing Yiddishkheit to Jews around the globe in keeping with the Rebbe’s ZT”L mission.

In New York City, tens of thousands are expected to visit the tziyun over the coming days.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I just heard the Sichah where the Rebbe says, “for all the things I did till now were all in vein and not effective and no results”.
    It sounded like he was very depressed, and that he felt that he should have gone with a complete different approach all his life.

  2. you are misquoting the rebbe but the rebbe did mention that Moshiach has to actually come and was not happy that all the hard work was done and still Moshiach hasn’t come

  3. Yira, you’ve got to give us the entire context. Otherwise, there is no way to understand the Rebbe’s statement.

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