Preliminary Probe Shows Police ‘100’ Dispatcher Blew the Emergency Call from Youth

mishThe preliminary probe into the Thursday night the eve of 15 Sivan call by one of the captive youths shows it was answered by a soldier on loan to Israel Police, referred to as Shacham ( שרות חייל במשטרה). The probe shows the soldier dispatcher acted appropriately, calling a veteran policewoman to assist, but she failed to act as she was trained and instead of acting on the call, she decided not to address it as a serious cry for immediate assistance.

The experienced policewoman failed to realize the urgency of the call, and therefore she did not pass it to an officer immediately as she should have. She also failed to make an effort to track who the owner of the phone was by the number and she neglected to contact the family of the youth who was trying to report they had been abducted. The investigatory committee is expected to present its findings to Police Chief Yochanan Danino next week.

The emergency call arrived at 22:25 on that Thursday night. It was perceived to be a nuisance call and therefore the information was held until 04:00 in the morning. Action was finally taken after parents of the three boys filed reports with police their sons were on their way home on Thursday night but never arrived. Someone woke up and connected the dots, albeit after critical hours passed.

It is reported that the investigators into the botched call state the fact the policewoman did not try to find out who owns the phone was a failure on her part. Investigators explain that had she done that, they would have learned the caller was a youth and they would have then gotten in touch with parents. This would have prevented the loss of the critical hours following the kidnapping as the IDF and ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) involvement would have been almost immediately instead of the following morning.

Names for Tehillim:

1. Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah

2. Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim

3. Eyal ben Iris Teshurah

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. When Reb Michoel Ber Weissmandel zt”l cried for help, did the Zionim also think it was a nuisance call, or it served their interest not to respond?

  2. Maybe this will finally publicise the fact that the police force is NON-EXISTENT!!
    Years ago they did a survey of how many believed the police are efficient. 86% didn’t trust the police (the other 13% were the police or their families!!)

  3. Is she still on her job ???
    Now they the police and army failed twice in one night, with three kidnapped boys and one officer injured, just imagine if there would be a major terrorist attack with many casualties ???? if you don’t take this serious against those who neglected their duty endangering the live of others, may all your leaders stop using the words that you protect your citizens, because you don’t.

  4. It doesnt seem that anybody realizes the truth. Hakadosh Baruch Hu, decided that this is what Am Yisrael needed. It is painful. We need to strengthen ourselves with unity & tefilot & teshuva. That policewoman erred, but this is part of HKB”H’s plan. Ahavat Yisrael & Teshuva – go for it & we will G.W. get the boys back well & healthy.

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