Chai Lifeline: Shopping is Now a Mitzvah

44[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] If you could help send sick children to Camp Simcha with just one extra click every time you shopped online, you’d do it, right? That’s the theory behind , the new website introduced by Chai Lifeline, the international children’s health support network.  is a portal to some of the Internet’s most frequented merchants, including, Zappos, and retailers like Nordstrom and Macys.

“Chai Lifeline will receive significant revenue from its online partners,” explained Rabbi Simcha Scholar, the organization’s executive vice president. In some cases, we receive up to 10% of sales made through It’s a win-win-win. It costs shoppers nothing: all the revenue comes from the retailers. Anyone who shops online has the ability to direct a portion of their purchase to us, and the money directly benefits thousands of children and family living with pediatric illnesses.”

The site launched with an initial list of 24 major online sites representing a wide range of retailers. New sites will be added frequently, and visitors can sign up for an e-newsletter that alerts them to sales and offers from site partners.

Using is easy, emphasized Rabbi Scholar. “Instead of going directly to a site like Amazon, you open and click on the site you want. It is literally one extra click, and the benefit to Chai Lifeline is significant.”

The idea came from a successful online marketing entrepreneur who had seen the impact that Chai Lifeline can make on the life of a sick child. “She has a nephew who goes to Camp Simcha and marveled at both the impact of camp on the child and how Chai Lifeline’s services changed the lives of everyone in the family,” continued Rabbi Scholar. “On the business side, Chai Lifeline’s positive name recognition and national programs gave it a natural affinity for this type of program.”

The ultimate success of will come from people who return each time they shop online. “I’ve already bookmarked it and shared it with everyone on my social networks and email lists. It’s really a no-brainer,” said one of the first people to use the portal. “It’s the easiest way to give to Chai Lifeline, since it’s just one extra click. All you have to do is remember to use it.”

2 Responses

  1. A few weeks ago I got a message on amazon about the donation program. I checked to see if Chai Lifeline was on, and it was. I was able to set it as my charity. When I go to Amazon, it uses the smile.chailifeline link automatically. If you regularly shop on amazon check to see if you can set it up as well. It’s a no brainer. Never have to remember. When I go to links that don’t have the charity part, Amazon gives me a pop up asking if I want to use the charity link.
    You can also donate sales on ebay directly to chai lifeline as well.

  2. Smile might be easier but they get a much higher commission if you use the link on shop4chai rather than the smile link.

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