Neveh is currently launching a new program and below is a question/answer session with the “Mash”
Question: I understand that Neveh is launching a new program which it calls Tiferes Zion. What’s it all about?
Mash: Many young men today attend colleges immediately after graduating from yeshiva high schools. They lack the motivation to continue in yeshivas and don’t want to delay the degree they need for a career. Unfortunately they are vulnerable to the prevailing negative influences and often lack the will power to resist. We hear many stories of those who were not successful in avoiding the social temptations. Others no longer retain the values and observance of their yeshiva years.
Question: So what can be done?
Mash: There is need for an alternative program that will enable them to pursue their college degree without risking their commitment to Torah and mitzvos. We have launched a Tiferas Zion Maalot program under the auspices of Neve Yerushalayim which means fellows who join us will be able to acquire a B.A.in Liberal Arts from Thomas Edison College accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges.
Question: How long would such a program take
A focused student can do it in two years and the second year need not be in Israel. At the same time he will have a year of learning in a warm yeshiva atmosphere with devoted and skilled Rebbis.
Question: Why in Israel?
Mash: There is something intangible but special about learning in Ereitz Yisroel and
I heard only today from a keruv Rosh Yeshiva in the States that in Israel it is easier to connect with Torah both because of the nature of the Land and its “avera” and also because there are less distractions.
Question: What about a weaker student?
>Mash: That is what is unique about this program! It’s an excellent opportunity for good and focused students but our Rebbis and instructers are ready to assist and help even a weaker student complete the prerequisites.
Question: Will there be a chance to see Israel?
Mash: The curriculim includes tiyulim/field trips throughout the Land with survival hikes as well.
Question: Will this program be together with Neveh Zion?
Mash: No. It will be in a separate Beis Medrish and dormitory although the Rebbiem will be Neveh Zion. We are trying now to publicize that it is no longer necessary to postpone preparing for your career to while experiencing an exciting and inspiring year in Israel.
It’s a yeshiva with warm and encouraging Rebbeim who will inspire and motivate.
For more info, call 347.889.9404 or 929.210.1529
One Response
The Mash is an incredible human being, who has literally saved the lives and souls of hundreds of young jewish men. I wish him and the yeshiva only bracha and hatzlacha with this new program!