Greenfield Declares Victory for Families! Priority 5 Vouchers Restored

gfnCouncilman Greenfield declares victory on the fight to add funding to the priority 5 voucher program in the FY 15 city budget. Yesterday the City Council and Mayor de Blasio agreed upon a budget for the 2015 fiscal year which starts July 1st. After lobbying top de Blasio administration and working hand in hand with Council leadership and other Councilmembers, Greenfield heralds the inclusion of $10 million in new funding for priority 5 vouchers as a huge success for the community. Greenfield threatened that he would not vote for a budget that didn’t include the vouchers – the top budget priority of the Jewish community.

“This victory could not have been won without the outspoken advocacy from dozens of local yeshiva leaders who sent a clear message that ‘our families need vouchers.’ I especially want to thank Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito for their support of Priority 5 vouchers. Tonight the community can be thankful that government heard their call,” said Councilman David G. Greenfield.

For the first time in many years funding will not only not be cut from the program, as it was under Bloomberg’s administration, but that it will be brought back to a funding level it has not reached in years.

In previous years, the Bloomberg Administration routinely made cuts to after-school voucher programs, balancing the city budget on the backs of those most in need. Councilman Greenfield made fighting for the restoration of these after-school vouchers a top priority in this year’s budget. Councilman Greenfield is a member of the Speaker’s leadership team and sits on the budget negotiating team. These relationships allow Greenfield to be an outstanding advocate for his constituents in City Hall. Greenfield thanked his many colleagues who worked together on this achievement including Council Members Steve Levin, Brad Lander and Mark Levine.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. A special Yaasher Koach to David Greenfield for his untiring efforts on behalf of our communities and its Mosdos.
    Keep it up David. It’s appreciated and recognized.

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