Operation Brothers Return – Day Five


The IDF continues its sweep of PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied areas with a focus on Hebron and the S. Hebron Hills areas. Over 1,000 Nachal Brigade and other soldiers on Monday night entered Shechem. Hamas leaders and operatives throughout Yehuda and Shomron are being located and arrested. At least 200 Hamas members have been taken into custody since the beginning of the operation. On Monday night an additional 41 arrests were made, most in the Balata area of Shechem.

PM Netanyahu: The Operation May Take Time:
While seeking to remain optimistic, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is also telling citizens Operation Brothers Return may take time, sending a message to the families of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach. The house-to-house sweep of PA areas continues along with the arrests of Hamas officials.

The prime minister has announced Hamas is responsible for the terrorist kidnapping and it is clear the prime minister has given the order to inflict serious pain on the terrorist organization. In addition to arresting members and commanders, the government is targeting Hamas’ infrastructure throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

Hamas is Feeling the Pressure:
Walla News quotes a “senior IDF officer” anonymously, stating Hamas is feeling the pressure with the arrests of its members as well as its municipal infrastructure and charity organization that funnel funds to finance terror. The officer is quoted saying that anything and everything affiliated with Hamas is being targeted in the major crackdown. The officer added “You can call what we are doing in Shechem, the terror capital, a ‘housecleaning’ which is not going to end with just arrests. The operation will continue.

B’chasdei Hashem the IDF Continues to Thwart Terror Attacks:
The ongoing operation has not halted efforts to strike out at Israelis when possible. On Monday night terrorists were detected as they tried to infiltrate into Yishuv Kochav Yaakov in the Binyamin Regional Council district of Shomron. Two to three terrorists were involved. The IDF reports soldiers fired at them near the border fence of the community, which is east of Ramallah. One of the terrorists was hit and transported to a Ramallah hospital in serious condition. The others succeeded in fleeing the scene.

In another attack near Azzoun in Shomron, an infant was injured in a rock-throwing attack. The 18-month-old girl was injured when Arabs hurled rocks at the vehicle she was in near Karnei Shomron in the Shomron Regional Council district. Arabs also burned tires on roadways and attacked IDF soldiers with firebombs in a number of areas.

In yet another attack, terrorist hurled an explosive device near Modi’in Illit on Route 446. IDF soldiers were summoned to the area by reports of burning tires. When they arrived the bomb was detonated. B’chasdei Hashem there were no injuries.

In eastern Yerushalayim two firebombs were hurled at Yeshivat Beit Orot on Har HaZeisim. A small fire resulted which was brought under control in a short time. There were no injuries.

In Gush Etzion, soldiers apprehended two wanted terrorists in an impromptu checkpoint that was set up later in the day on Monday, 18 Sivan.

PA sources report six PA residents were injured in violence at the Kalandia Checkpoint on the northern Jerusalem border. One of them is reported in serious condition. The IDF reports riot control adjuncts were used and they are not aware of anyone being injured.

Rocket Attacks from Gaza Continue:
Gaza based terrorists are also doing their part as rockets were fired into Ashkelon during the night. B’chasdei Hashem the rockets landed in open areas and there were no fatalities or injuries. Once again the Israel Air Force retaliated, striking a number of terrorists’ storage and training facilities in Gaza.

Names for Tehillim:
1. Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah
2. Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim
3. Eyal ben Iris Tesurah

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Where is the big American friend of Israel, – Obama? does he not protect his citizens, or just the respect of his name?

  2. They are focusing in Hevron, but 5 hours was lost between the capture and any police/army activity. Who knows where the boys are?

  3. It feels like we are in Aseres Ymai Teshuva,davening our hearts out. Everyone please find an area of darkness in your life and bring middos harachamim to it, love it up, really bring light, and perhaps the light will help us in this darkness.

  4. Comment 2 – yes you are correct! So come join the voices and tell Obama!
    We need signatures!!
    Demand that America “use all means necessary to assist the Israeli Government in their efforts to locate these captive children.”
    And demand that the Obama Administration “retract and rescind all support of the Fatah/Hamas terrorist coalition government” that Netanyahu clearly said “emboldens terrorists” and caused this horrific kidnapping!
    Do your part to #BringBackOurBoys – sign the petitions now using the links below!! Every minute counts! Their lives are in danger!

    Get our boys back! – http://wh.gov/lHwCJ
    Stop supporting the terrorist government! – http://wh.gov/lHLJJ

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