Esther Pollard Visits the Frenkel Home

pollardnEsther Pollard, the wife of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard who is imprisoned in the United States on Monday 18 Sivan visited the home of hostage Naftali Frenkel in Nof Ayalon.

Mrs. Pollard said “I came here to hold hands and identify with you, to daven with you, and to hope with you that this nightmare will end quickly. Jonathan was most troubled to hear of the tragic event. He davens from his cell and calls on the tzibur to be mispallel.”

The Frenkel family thanked Mrs. Pollard and Jonathan, and added it is difficult to believe the condition Jonathan is in today.

Names for Tehillim:

1. Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah

2. Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim

3. Eyal ben Iris Tesurah

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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