NYC Health Department to Spray for West Nile Virus

wnvTo control mosquitoes, the Health Department will apply larvicide by helicopter to marsh and other non-residential areas of Staten Island, the Bronx and Queens on Wednesday, June 18, Thursday, June 19 and Friday, June 20, between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m., weather permitting. In case of bad weather, application will be delayed until Thursday, June 19, Friday, June 20 and Monday, June 23 during the same hours. While three days are allotted for this activity, the application may be completed in less time. West Nile virus has not yet been detected anywhere in New York City this season.

The areas to be treated appear below. These are marshy, natural areas, which are common breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Due to their size and inaccessibility by ground vehicles, these areas will be treated with larvicide from a low-flying helicopter.

“We can all take precautions to protect ourselves and our families from West Nile virus,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett. “But the most effective way to reduce mosquitoes in an area is to eliminate standing water, which is where they breed and lay their eggs. We advise all New Yorkers to make sure there is no standing water on their property, which includes emptying water from items such as buckets and any other receptacles. We also encourage city resident to call 311 to report standing water in their neighborhood.”

During warm weather, mosquitoes can breed in any still water that stands for more than four days. The most effective way to control mosquitoes is to eliminate standing water. New Yorkers are also encouraged to mosquito-proof their homes and take precautions when spending time outdoors.

The Health Department monitors for West Nile Virus and applies pesticides as appropriate throughout the summer months. We have found high mosquito populations in the marsh areas of the city, which could grow due to hot and wet weather conditions, so on Wednesday, the Health Department will begin routine preventive mosquito control in parts of Staten Island, Queens, and the Bronx. We will be using naturally occurring and environmentally friendly larvicides to kill the immature mosquitoes before they emerge into adults.

VectoBac™ CG, VectoMax™ CG/FG and/or VectoLex™ CG/FG – all containing naturally occurring bacteria – will be used for this application. These larvicides are used throughout the mosquito season to treat mosquito-breeding sites. These products are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Reducing Exposure to Mosquitoes

Use an approved insect repellent containing picaridin, DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus (not for children under three), or products that contain the active ingredient IR3535.
Make sure windows have screens and repair or replace screens that have tears or holes.
Eliminate any standing water from your property and dispose of containers that can collect water. Standing water is a violation of the New York City Health Code.
Make sure roof gutters are clean and draining properly.
Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs. Keep them empty or covered if not in use; drain water that collects in pool covers.
Report standing water by calling 311 or visiting




Marsh/Wetland Areas To Be Treated


Zip Code

Staten Island Arlington,  Old Place, Howland Hook Goethals North Marsh areas bounded by South Avenue to the east; former North Shore Railroad to the north;  Arthur Kill Channel to the west; and  Staten Island Expressway to the south 10303
Bloomfield Corporate Park North Marsh areas bound by Graham Avenue and Felton Street to the east; Goethals Road North to the north; Gulf Avenue to the west; and Teleport Drive and Edward Curry Avenue to the south 10311




Saw Mill Marsh North Marsh areas bounded by Chelsea Road to the east; River Road to the north; Arthur Kill Channel to the west; and Sawmill Creek to the south 10314


Saw Mill Marsh Marsh areas bounded by South Avenue to the east; Edward Curry Avenue, Chelsea Road and River Road to the north; Pralls River to the west; Meredith Avenue, Chelsea Road and South Avenue to the south 10314


Corporate Park Marsh areas bounded by south Avenue to the east and south; Edward Curry Avenue to the north; and Chelsea Road and Bloomfield Avenue to the west 10314
Chelsea Chelsea East Marsh areas bounded by Victory Boulevard to the east; South Avenue and Travis Avenue to the North;  Chelsea Road to the west; and  Meredith Avenue to the south 10314
Chelsea , Travis Chelsea Marsh areas bounded by Victory Boulevard to the east; Meredith Avenue, Chelsea Road, South Avenue, and Travis Avenue to the north; Arthur Kill Channel to the west; and Wild Avenue and Victory Boulevard to the south 10314
Fresh Kills Fresh Kills Marsh areas bounded by Richmond Avenue to the east; Main Creek to the north; West Shore Expressway to the west;  and Arthur Kill Road to the south 10314
Staten Island Fresh Kills, Richmond Town La Tourette Marsh areas bounded by   Richmond Hill Road to the east; Forest Hill Road to the north; Richmond Avenue to the west; and Arthur Kill Road to the south 10306


Port Mobile Port Mobile Marsh and wetland areas bounded by Arthur Kill Road to the east; Arthur Kill Channel to the north and the west; and Outerbidge Crossing to the south 10309
Queens Alley Pond Park Alley Creek Marsh areas inside Alley Pond Park 11362 11363
Linden Hill/ College Point Abandoned

Flushing Airport

Marsh areas bounded by Whitestone Expressway to the east; 20th Avenue to the north; 130th Avenue and Ulmer Street to the west; and Ulmer Street and 28thStreet to the south 11354





Dubos Point and Edgemere Park Marsh areas bounded by Norton Basin to the east; Mott Point to the north; Grass Hassock Channel to the west; and Beach 65th Street, De Costa Avenue and Almeda Avenue to the south 11691 11692
The Bronx Pelham Bay Park North Pelham Bay Marsh areas bounded by Amtrak Railroad to the east; New England Thruway to the north; and the Hutchinson River  to the west and south 10464


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