NYC Mayor: ‘Irony’ In Cantor’s Loss To Tea Party

debNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says there is “some irony” in Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor’s surprising loss to a Tea Party challenger.

The Democratic mayor had trouble suppressing a smile when asked his thoughts on Cantor following an unrelated event in Brooklyn on Wednesday.

He said that Cantor “helped create” the conservative Tea Party movement and helped “paralyze” the federal government.

But de Blasio also said that Cantor’s defeat was a “cautionary tale.” The mayor, an unabashed liberal, said he feared the Republican Party would now become more conservative.

Cantor visited New York last month to oppose de Blasio’s charter school policies.

Meanwhile, Gov. Andrew Cuomo used Cantor’s upset as an opportunity to bash the Tea Party.

“The tail is wagging the elephant. The far right is taking over and terrorizing the Republican Party,” the Democratic governor said. “This has no place in New York and we will stop the ultra conservatives here and now.”

Cantor was defeated Tuesday by little-known Tea Party member Dave Brat.


4 Responses

  1. “This has no place in New York and we will stop the ultra conservatives here and now.”

    So much for King Cuomo including all taxpaying New Yorkers! So in Cuomo’s communistic world, only he and his ilk are allowed in power and the dumb stupid taxpaying citizen has to be quiet and follow orders! No opposition is allowed! The King was coronated (remember, there was no primary in the Democrat Party) and he knows best! The same thing will happen with Hillary in 2016. She will be coronated by the Democrat Party with no primary allowed.

    Btw, Cuomo/Deblasio, you don’t have to worry. There is no Conservative Party in NY State. All you have is a few dying RINO’s. Ed Cox & Mike Long have become a laughing stock who only know how to pick the biggest losers!

  2. It also shows that:

    1. Money doesn’t matter (Cantor was radically better funded, and lost).

    2. Politicians who forget about their districts to pursue bigger things often find their districts reject them.

    3. It isn’t clear which candidate was more conservative.

    4. Instead of ending up as Speaker of the House (a dead end job), Cantor may run for Senator or Governor, which would position him for national office

  3. “Cantor may run for Senator or Governor, which would position him for national office”

    Only if he wins. Virginia is becoming more and more Democratic; Obama carried it twice. And the Republican Party in Virginia is being taken over by nutcases who have no use for Cantor’s pro-business (i.e. pro Wall Street) policies.

  4. “Cuomo’s communistic world”

    If you would slip away from Faux News and look at other sources of opinion, you would realize that the American Left detests Cuomo with a passion usually reserved for right wing Republicans.

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