Clinton: Cantor Opponent ‘Ran Against Immigrants’

bratHillary Rodham Clinton says Majority Leader Eric Cantor “was defeated by a candidate who basically ran against immigrants.”

Clinton is in Chicago Wednesday promoting her new book.

Cantor lost a GOP primary Tuesday to tea party-backed candidate David Brat. Clinton says Brat’s argument was if Americans are unemployed, then the U.S. shouldn’t allow immigrants to work.

Clinton says the answer is to create more jobs, not to deport immigrants in the country illegally. The potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate says many immigrants are doing jobs Americans won’t do.

Clinton calls legislation approved by the Senate that would provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. illegally “a fair compromise.”

She also says she supports President Barack Obama’s draft regulations to limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.


2 Responses

  1. No, his message was if 92 million Americans aren’t working we don’t need to add to that with illegals coming in.

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