TLC Wrongfully Strikes Again! This Time A Black Couple Is Paying Them Back With A $3 Million Lawsuit

tlcLast week YWN was first to report a story about the impoundment of a car driven by a Chesed Organization volunteer who was in the middle of giving two cancer-stricken patients a ride to the hospital. The story went viral in just minutes, causing outrage in Brooklyn’s Jewish community.

Now, DNA Info is reporting another story involving the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). This time, they stopped a black couple driving to work in Queens. The couple is furious, and are suing the TLC for millions.

The New York Daily News recently reported that these TLC officers, who carry no weapons but are authorized to make arrests, are under pressure from their management to stop motorists under even the slightest suspicion that they may be offering illegal rides, and in some shocking situations even fabricate evidence.

The following is via DNA Info:

City investigators wrongfully accused a black man of being an illegal taxi driver after they spotted him dropping off his wife at work, believing she was a white livery cab passenger, a lawsuit charges.

Married couple Dan Keys Jr., 66, and Symone Palermo, 53, are suing the Taxi and Limousine Commission for $3 million, claiming that in an act of racial profiling its agents seized their Lincoln Town Car for eight days and gave each of them summonses — despite their attempts to explain they are husband and wife.

The couple claims that TLC investigators pulled over Keys, a car salesman, because they mistook Palermo, who is biracial, for being white and assumed she was a customer.

“Upon information and belief, when attempting to identify illegally operated taxis, it is the official policy or custom of [the city and the TLC] to instruct its employees to target and single out vehicles operated by minorities with white passengers,” the lawsuit says.


4 Responses

  1. One should remember that traditionally in New York, if you proved damages greater that stated in your complaint, you would only receive the damages listed in the complaint (which is the piece of paper that starts a legal action). Therefore it is standard practice to give a ridiculous sum in the complaint.

  2. It was our comment last week sue tge living daylights out of them its all they understand in this corrupt country then fire them

  3. Instead of harassing innocent drivers the TLC staff should concentrate on Flatbush and Church Avenues where there are enough illegal dollar vans and unlicensed livery cars to keep them busy all day for weeks if not months.

    Seizure of the hundreds of vehicles involved would ease traffic congestion and auctioning them would bring needed revenue to NYC.

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