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Knesset Allocates 1 Billion Shekels for Holocaust Survivors

holFinance Minister Yair Lapid hailed the plan to allocate 1 billion shekels for Holocaust survivors, stating the decision “corrects an historical injustice”.

At present, survivors receive from 1,500-1,800 shekels monthly. That monthly payment is going to be increased. State officials report those who will benefit include 70,000 survivors with physical handicaps due to the Holocaust as well as 1,500 survivors of the concentration camps. The survivors will also receive free medications. At present, they receive a 50% discount.

Another major component of the program is the fact that survivors who arrived in Israel after 1953 will now receive the same benefits as those who came immediately after the war. To date these people, numbering 18,500 individuals, receive 1,500-1,800 shekels months. That will now be increased to 1,825 – 5,400 shekels monthly.

In addition, these funds will no longer be a factor in calculating Bituach Leumi benefits for these victims as has been the case to date.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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