Hadassah Director Makes Good on Threat & Steps Down

Hadassah logoDr. Avigdor Kaplan has announced he is stepping down as director of the Hadassah Medical Organization. Kaplan announced his objection to a state-appointed comptroller to oversee the ailing medical organization’s rehabilitation process, announcing on Monday 11 Sivan that he is making good on his threat. Dr, Kaplan expressed his objections to the oversight plan over two weeks ago.

Dr. Kaplan has succeeded in having an agreement signed between labor and management and is credited by many with saving the institution from a far more serious situation than exists today.

Dr. Kaplan will be replaced by Prof. Tamar Peretz, who heads Hadassah’s Department of Oncology.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Any large behemoth organization that has financial problems that bad is in dire need of a comptroller, and anyone who would object at least on that issue is a fool plain and simple

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