Bennett: The Left Had its Chance for 21 Years – Now It’s Our Turn


Addressing the annual Herzliya Conference, Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett said “We must recognize the truth – the Oslo era has come to an end after 21 years during which we tried land withdrawals, concessions, the release of terrorists and expulsions. The time has come to admit it didn’t work”.

In his opening remarks Bennett said, “We are in a period of blindness. Moral issues that were once dear today have become dim, vague and flexible. We are here tonight to talks about the role of the State of Israel, to represent a beacon of light of truth and morality during this period of blindness”.

“And what is the truth? The truth is the state does not have to give in to terrorism by releasing terrorists. The world respected the State of Israel which was a pioneer in the field of combating terrorism, and the resistance to release terrorists. Today, worldwide and in Israel, there has been an obvious setback on standing firm in this matter”.

Bennett explained that ideas that were viewed as radical have slowly infiltrated into Israeli society, like the release of terrorists. He spoke of how the cabinet just approved the bill empowering the courts to sentence terrorists to life in prison without the possibility of parole and how they are billed as extremists for doing so. Bennett added his party had to threaten that without passage of the bill Bayit Yehudi would not continue in the coalition.

He feels his party took a real risk with a heavy political price but today thank G-d the idea is sinking in and there is no talk of releasing terrorists.

The Oslo Era Has Ended

Ladies and gentlemen, with the creation of the Hamas-Fatah unity government marks the end of the Oslo era. After 21 years we tried one way, including withdrawals, concessions, the release of terrorists, disengagements and unilateral withdrawal. The time has come to say it did not succeed. We discovered that when when one runs from terrorism and throws away the keys – the terrorism will follow. We parted from Gaza and received thousands of rockets that continue falling to this very day.

What’s the Plan?

The plan is the gradual Israeli sovereignty on areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron, areas “C” in which 400,000 Israelis live amid 70,000 Arabs while creating an upgraded autonomy in the rest of the territory with full freedom of movement.

The first step is Gush Etzion. Dear friends, can anyone say Gush Etzion is occupied? Gush Etzion was ours prior to 1948. The story of Ruth and Boaz who we read a few days ago on Shavuos. Ladies and gentlemen, a nation cannot be an occupier in its own land.

Bennett explained the plan is not a punishment against the Palestinians but simply the right thing to do. When Oslo has failed it is time for the nation to do what is right for her.

Bennett continues to explain the economic advantages of annexing these areas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The only PM from the left to be elected in the past 21 years was Ehud Barak. Netanyahu, Sharon, and Olmert are from the right. This is a spin worthy of Fox news.

    And he is being highly disingenuous regarding the terrorist releases. He is part of the government and he had the votes to bring down the government in protest. But he sold out for more money for settlements.

  2. #1- With respect, you may have been sidetracked by YWN’s headline. Bennett didn’t claim that the Left had been in power for the past 21 years – that would be nonsense. What he said (correctly) was that the various governments of Israel had been following the paradigm of the Oslo accords – which were a left-wing creation.

    As to your second point, it is not disingenuous to remain in a political coalition that has rejected your position on an issue. It is the nature of politics. He stated his objection to the release of the terrorists publicly, strenuously and in real time. His position was overruled by the PM. Happens all the time. Only the immature leave every time they don’t get their way.

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