Lapid Warns: Annexation of a Single Yishuv Spells the End of the Coalition

lapFinance Minister Yair Lapid attacked plans by Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett to annex areas in Gush Etzion, warning the annexation of a single yishuv will result in the collapse of the coalition government.

Speaking at the annual Herzliya Conference Lapid stated the recent developments on the diplomatic front demand implementation of a separation of peoples, the creation of a Palestinian state.

“We must do everything possible to return to the negotiating table [with the PA (Palestinian Authority)] and to renew cooperation with the Americans, and to include moderate Arab nations around the negotiating table such as Saudi Arabia and Gulf nations interested in teaming with us in a bloc against Iran” stated the minister.

Lapid stressed that in order for this to occur “we must stop speaking about what the Palestinians want or how America plays its role as negotiator and ask something far more important. What do we want? What does the State of Israel want? The response in my eyes is that we want two things; security and separation”.


Regarding security concerns, we must maintain the right and ability to operate in all areas and on this there cannot be any compromise. We cannot and do not wish to rule over four million Palestinians that in another generation will double in number. Israel is a strong nation with a strong economy but if we do not separate from the Palestinians, the state will lose its Jewish identity as well as our relative advantage on other regional nations.

Annexation of Yishuvim:

Lapid then turned to Bennett’s plan which addresses annexations of areas “C” under the Oslo Agreement, referring to areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron under exclusive Israeli control, beginning with Gush Etzion.

“Right-wing extremist elements are pushing us towards surreal ideas of annexation that will lead us to disaster known as a binational state. I don’t know if this is a public relations stunt or true intent, but we won’t let it happen”.

PA Demands for Citizenship:

If we say yes we will stop being a Jewish state. If we say no, we stop being a democratic state. Both are devastating and our job is to prevent them from happening. If there will be a unilateral attempt to annex even a single yishuv Yesh Atid will not just leave the coalition – it will topple it.

Building Freeze:

The building freeze on communities outside settlement blocs is not a threat to us and does not represent concessions on our part. This is exactly what we must do. There is no reason to continue establishing yishuvim in areas that will not remain under the sovereignty of the State of Israel in a future agreement, to invest billions into infrastructure that will eventually be given to the Palestinians. I prefer to invest the money to improve the quality of life of Israeli children and not to improve the lives of Palestinian children.

Bennett’s Sovereignty Plan (English Translation):

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Likud, Bayit Yehudi and the Hareidim have an absolute majority. That means no one else could form a government unless they manage to recruit the Hareidim, and their price is an exemption from or abolition of conscription – which is Lapid’s highest priority. If Lapid (and Livni) quit the coalition, all that does is force Likud and Bayit Yehudi to negotiate with the Hareidim

    At present, the only way you can have a strongly “hawkish” government, or a strongly “doveish” one, is to include the hareidim in it.

  2. I gotta hand it to lapid for one thing: he is dilligently working to carry out exactly what he said he would if he got elected. What I don’t understand is what bayit hayehudi is getting out of this coalition. So far, lapid has threatened to bring down the government every single time that bayit hayehudi even hints at voting for something they believe in. And each time, they cave and he wins. Sigh…

  3. #2- Bayit Yehudi is getting an ally for the war on the hareidim. The other nationalists wouldn’t give up the West Bank in order to strike a blow at the hareidim (not so much as a matter of love, as keeping one’s priorities straight). If the current coalition breaks up, the next one might have to call off the war on the Torah world in order to round up 61 seats.

  4. Annexation means a binational state which is exactly what the anti-Israel propagandists in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement want. Maybe the BDSers and Bennett should work out the details together.

  5. #4 – Hashem runs the country (and the world) and even if they forget it – or deliberately ignore it – we can’t ignore it for a second.

  6. Call the fool’s bluff. His strength in the next election will be down significantly and he knows it.

    #3. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Bayit Yehudi has countered Lapid in many cases and got fundings restored to Chareidi Yeshivos. There is a serious problem in the Chareidi world and many Chareidim themselves want change. Having a different opinion on some things doesn’t make you anti Chareidi.

  7. #5- Bennett is talking about annexing a small area that: (a) has a large Jewish population and no Arab population, and (b) that even Meretz agrees will be annexed by Israel as part of a future permanent peace agreement with the Palestinians. If you’ve not yet been to Gush Etzion (the area that Bennett has suggested be annexed) I warmly recommend visiting it on your next trip to Israel.

  8. #2 – Habayit Hayehudi only agreed to the draft bill in order form the coalition. It’s called politics. There are winners and losers. Get over it. Truth be told, the vast majority of the Dati Leumi community couldn’t care less if all the Haredim are drafted or if none of them ever go to the army.

    If I were in the government, I wouldn’t want to be in a coalition with Haredi parties either. Sure, we will vote the same on religious issues, but I can’t imagine passing a budget with them. Haredi parties are very socialist, and the Dati Leumi community is capitalist. We favor lowering taxes and budget cuts (every office is being cut now, not just Haredim), while Haredim prefer more government assistance, even if it means increasing taxes.

    Politics is not just about religious issues.

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