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Ben-Eliezer’s Penthouse Purchase at the Heart of the Police Investigation

belMK (Labor) Binyamin Ben-Eliezer announced on Shabbos that due to the police investigation against him, he has decided the proper thing for him to do is to drop out of the presidential election. Ben-Eliezer is being questioned by police ‘under warning’, which signals police have gathered significant evidence that a criminal indictment is likely.

Ben-Eliezer is suspected of accepting millions of shekels illegally and then failing to report the income to tax authorities. Eyes are directed at the former career military officer’s penthouse in Yaffo, the 190 square meter home with a 100 square meter balcony that he purchased from the Almog Company under the control of the Vice President of the Contractors Association, Yitzchak Amsellem.

The penthouse in question was purchased in December 2011 from Amsellem. Ben-Eliezer paid 9 million shekels for the home. It is alleged that Ben-Eliezer received $400,000 from Avraham Nanikashvili, the equivalent of 1.35 million shekels, which paid for a part of the home. The third-story penthouse on Margua Street near the shore is described as an electronic smart home, one of 19 apartments in two buildings constructed by Amsellem in recent years.

Nanikashvili was also questioned by police on erev Shabbos 8 Sivan. He is also a suspect in the ongoing investigation involving corruption among senior Port of Ashdod officials. During that investigation, customs officials revealed that Ben-Eliezer received money. Nanikashvili then admitted giving money to Ben-Eliezer, insisting it was a loan and not a gift. Police have also learned that Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto is close to Nanikashvili and the case against Ben-Eliezer and/or the investigation into the Port of Ashdod may show a connection to the rav, who is also under investigation amid allegations of bribing senior police commanders. Yediot Achronot points out that after Ben-Eliezer was released from a hospital following a struggle for his life, Nanikashvili was among the sponsors of a lavish party on Ben-Eliezer’s behalf held in a Hilton Hotel. Among the notables in attendance was Rav Pinto.

The veteran MK announced in the past that he submitted reports to both the Knesset speaker and state comptroller regarding the source of funds for the purchase and he denies any wrongdoing in the case. Ben-Eliezer explains that his decision to drop out of the presidential race is not be viewed as an admission of guilt, explaining it was simply the correct thing to do, nothing more.

Almost all of the apartments were sold by Almog for 52 million shekels. The apartments in the buildings in which Ben-Eliezer’s penthouse is located are among the most expensive in Israel. An apartment on the ground flood, 160 square meters with a 50 square meter garden sold for 3.7 million shekels. A regular three bedroom sells for 3.3 million shekels.

What Alleged Crime was Committed?

The receipt of a loan from a business tycoon friend is not in itself a violation of the law. However, he did not report the income to tax authorities. Another theory is that he accepted the money and gave services in return in line with his abilities as a public official. That would make the loan a bribe. Some posit the MK may have used his political clout to advance other building projects in Israel. It is known that Ben-Eliezer maintains good relations with Nanikashvili for many years and he has been his guest abroad a number of times.

The decision to question Ben-Eliezer just days before the election was approved by Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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