MK Asher Seeks a Retraction from Frum Supreme Court Justice Rubinstein

YW-BBMI-007.jpgSupreme Court Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, a member of the dati leumi community, recently referred to chareidi bnei yeshivos as “schnorrers who collect handouts to cover the costs of his chasenah”. His remarks angered MK Rav Yaakov Asher, who has called on the judge to apologize for his statements. Asher sent Rubinstein a harshly worded letter.

The animosity stems from the court’s recent ruling cutting supplementary income for avreichim, a ruling that was personally written in great length by Rubinstein.

Asher writes “At the end of the lengthy twisted ruling his honor tried to spice the ruling and described the bochur who visited the shul during the morning hours, during shachris, seeking support from mispallalim to cover his wedding expenses.

“His honor is aware that in legal opinion written during the decades in the framework of the judiciary the derech of his honor has been to enhance his words with quotes from the Midrash, anecdotal words and experiences, thereby providing ample material for commentators and students to engage in them. In this difficult ruling, which contains an abasement and contempt for a major tzibur, which it is my honor to represent, it appears to me that his honor crossed the line of dignity and appropriateness…”

R’ Asher continues, describing his pain over the descriptive used to describe those committed to limud as if they are simply seeking the free ride as it were. He writes that in this case it is particularly painful as his honor was appointed to fill a seat as a religious justice.

Asher calls on Rubinstein to retract his words and apologize to the tzibur he so unjustifiably offended.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I remember Elyakim Rubinstein. He is the great “religious zionist” that handed Pollard over to the FBI when he showed up at the Israeli embassy seeking asylum. Having shown his true religion and zionism, he has been greatly rewarded over the years by his masters.

  2. And if he does apologize and retract his statement, that means he doesn’t hate us?
    What’s the point?
    We’re in golus among Jews.

  3. Not surprising remark coming from the radical left self-appointed judicial system run by self-hating Jews.

    Not for naught did Gedoley Yisrael call them [Daati Leumi] Amalekim.

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