Debate Intensifies Over Casino Abatements

casinoOn one side, are Sullivan County legislators Alan Sorensen and Cindy Kurpil Gieger; on the other side, other legislators, including Ira Steingart, who chairs the county Industrial Development Agency.

In the middle, County Treasurer Ira Cohen.

“Legitimate issues on both sides,” Cohen said, during Thursday’s Community and Economic Development Committee meeting. “I think you should continue to discuss it.”

What prompted a brief but spirited discussion was a resolution introduced by Sorensen, to “Limit the powers of the Sullivan County Industrial Development Agency by prohibiting the agency from offering IDA benefits to respondents to the NYS Gaming Commission’s requests for applications …”

“My sense is that if the IDA grants the abatements, that Sullivan County’s chances of securing an application will be diminished,” Sorensen argued.

Republican Sorensen contends that the enabling state legislation, in 1970, does not authorize the offering of abatements to casinos. He further argues that abatements would run against one key intent of the casino siting process to place them in areas in significant need of the economic benefits casinos are expected to generate.

Democrat Gieger agrees, arguing the value of abatements diminishes over time.

Another Democrat, Jonathan Rouis, accused Sorensen of “grandstanding.”

Democrat Steingart pointed to the number of casino applicants to put up the $1 million deposit, last month, but are already pulling out, across the state, including one group that withdrew yesterday. He wants to keep the interest going in Sullivan.

“We should make sure that we put them in the best position,” Steingart argued. “Or we’ll wind up not having any developers here.”

The committee did not act on Sorensen’s proposal, but legislators could take it up later this month.

(Source: MidHudsonNews)

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