The Battle Over Israeli Construction is Underway

constnPA (Palestinian Authority) unity with Hamas has been responded to by Israel with the construction of 1,500 housing units. The cabinet has approved the homes which will be in Yehuda, Shomron and Yerushalayim including 400 apartments in Ramat Shlomo and 1,000 units throughout Yehuda and Shomron. The latter includes 200 in Efrat, 400 in Betar Illit, 38 in Geva Binyamin, 150 in Givat Ze’ev, 70 in Alfei Menashe, 70 in Ariel and the remainder in communities over the Green Line. The communities receiving new homes include those outside of so-called ‘settlement blocs’, areas that many feel will be given away in a future peace agreement between Israel and the PA.

Housing Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel called the approval “The appropriate Zionist response to the establishment of the terrorist government. Israel has the right and responsibility to built in all areas of Israel with the goal of reducing housing costs in mind. I believe this is just the beginning”.

The battle in the US Congress is also underway as the house opposes the Obama administration’s messages that it will work with the new PA/Hamas terror administration.

The PA is planning to take its protest to the United Nations Security Council.

The Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee Ze’ev Elkin responded, stating 1,500 apartments is insufficient. Opposition leader Yitzchak Herzog calls the cabinet decision “political pyromania”, adding the money should be spent to build homes in the Negev, Galil and troubled areas. US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro strongly condemned the planned construction.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro strongly condemned the planned construction.”

    mr. ambassador, חוצפה אפילו כלפי שמיא מהני, רח”ל

  2. They should build and build and never stop building.
    The UN. Is nothing but hot air.
    Israel must expand and push the arabs back, back into jordan where they came from.

  3. From a political point-of-view, I understand Israel’s stance.

    But from a Halachic point-of-view, I think this is what Chazal would refer to as “His’garos B’umos”.

    (It may seem unfair, but Chazal was concerned about the “big picture”. Not to mention, according to many, a violation of “Shalosh She’vuos”.)

    From a practical point-of-view I think Israel should be less “in your face”.
    They must be realistic and recognize that a very large portion of the international community is biased.
    Including some “allies”.

    If I were the Prime-Minister of Israel my reaction would be a simple mellow statement, oft repeated, that goes something like this:
    “Hey, people, Come on! Does anybody in their right mind really think that we can negotiate with a PA government that partners with Hamas?!”.

  4. On a separate, (but related) issue; am I the only one that notices an irony here?

    Israel cannot be expected to deal with a government that includes Hamas, an organization that is pledged to destroy Israel.

    This is PRECISELY why Satmar (and like-minded Yidden) avoid supporting or participating with the Israeli government!

    To paraphrase:
    “Rabbosai, can anybody in their right minds expect religious Jews to participate or support a government that partners with parties that are anti-religious and want to eradicate, or nullify, the Torah?!”

    See the comparison?

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