Bennett is Waiting for All Israelis to Convert to Judaism

benMinister of the Economy Naftali Bennett has a unique vision for the future of Am Yisrael. On erev Shavuos 5774 the minister called on hundreds of thousands of Israelis who are not Jewish to enter giyur programs. “We are waiting for you” he explained.

A kenos was held on erev Shavuos near the Kosel during which 500 people in different stages of giyur recited Shema Yisrael, HaRav Chaim Druckman addressed the tzibur along with Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, Deputy Minister of Religious Services Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Director-General of the Religious Services Ministry Elchanan Glatt and other senior ministry officials.

Bennett added “I am in this post for over a year and I have not yet experienced such an emotional moment as this. When I hear your stories and see you here. We are standing 80 meters from the City of David that was consolidated into a sovereign state by David HaMelech. The Kingdom split and we were sent into galus and it has never been the same to this date. It all started from King David who was a descendant of Ruth the Moabite, who converted to Judaism”.

Bennett continued by explaining we must learn from Ruth’s determination and the Judaism does not deal with intentions, rather actions. “I am calling to the hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish Israelis – we are waiting for you. The derech is not an easy one but you will be received with great love and everyone ready and willing to make the effort will be accepted.”

Rav Ben-Dahan added “you are sitting on the chairs that went up to the Beis HaMikdash. We must be happy that we are here. 700 years ago there were no Jews here”. The deputy minister continued, explaining that Chazal state the nesamos of all giyorim were at Har Sinai, adding “soon you will be an integral component of Am Yisrael”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. What a dunce. It is not permitted to encourage conversions. And most of these so-called conversions are false and the gentile remains a gentile.

  2. What else can this be but blatant vote pandering? Bennett knows, just as we all do, that Judaism does not seek nor encourage converts. So I was at first confused by this report: was he just talking to the members of this audience who are in the process? Giving them some encouragement? That would be one thing, but no – he is inviting all Israeli non-Jews to convert! Here in the USA this is the same as when Liberal politicians campaign for blanket amnesty for illegal aliens – it garners political support and eventually can attract huge voting blocs. Dumb move, Bennett. Won’t increase your popularity.

  3. That’s wonderful. The government finally admits there are hundreds of thousands of Israeli Goyim they let in as Olim. Now, do you really think they want to keep mitzvos? They just want to be Israeli! So now the head of the Mizrachi movement wants to make hundreds of thousands of Jewish goyim! Wow!

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