PA Hamas Unity Government Becomes Reality

New Palestinian Unity GovernmentMaking good on his word, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Monday, 4 Sivan 5774 swore in his national unity government, officially aligning his Fatah faction government with the Hamas terror regime in Gaza. The new PA unity cabinet is comprised of 17 ministers, three affiliated with Hamas in Gaza. The swearing-in was held in Abu Mazen’s headquarters in Ramallah.

The three were prohibited from attending by Israel, which did not grant them entry from Gaza. Abu Mazen told the international community his cabinet will be made up of technocrats, seeking to enlist support for his unity agreement with Hamas.

Abu Mazen has shunned efforts to prevent him from partnering with Hamas, a move that has effectively brought diplomatic negotiations with Israel to a halt.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Wonderful news that the murderers who try to hide their true nature in suits join hands with the unabashed murderers – now everyone can see who they truly are.

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