Sullivan County Gears Up For Summer Population Explosion

monticelloDuring the upcoming months, Sullivan County’s year round population of 76,665 triples with the migration of summer residents, mostly from the New York metropolitan area.

That requires planning and additional resources to accommodate the influx of residents.

Sheriff Michael Schiff, who noted there have been no problems in recent past summers, anticipates this year being no different.

To help with the added traffic and expected police calls, he is seeking four additional sheriff’s deputies.

“We should have those in place,” Schiff said. “The county is working with us on that and we hope for the best and we hope we have a summer like we did last year with very few problems.”

Meetings with community leaders before the northern migration deal with traffic control and other issues like walking on country roads by residents of New York, who are used to walking on city streets.

(Source: MidHudsonNews)

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