WCBS 880: Rockland Residents To Protest Planned Kosher Slaughterhouse

shechitaThe following is a WCBSTV article:

Some Rockland County residents will rally Sunday against a planned kosher-poultry slaughterhouse.

Residents have been protesting plans for the facility for years, but are concerned that construction may begin soon.

According to the Rockland Times, a flyer for Sunday’s protest says the slaughterhouse, located on Route 45 in New Hempstead near the New Square border, has received a $1.6 million grant from New York’s Empire State Development Corp., “despite the fact that the chicken slaughterhouse project has not received (needed) approvals from the Rockland County or Ramapo Planning Departments.”

The protesters are seeking to have the grant rescinded, arguing that state tax dollars should not be spent on a slaughterhouse in a residential area.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day told WCBS 880 he believes “the plan is incompatible with adjacent residential uses.”

“There is a process ongoing under the auspices of the county Planning Department,” he said. “But in reality, the final decision will be made in a twofold way. The Village of New Square will decide what they wish to do. They can override the recommendations of the county, and also the reality is that part of the process there are numerous agencies that have to approve this.

“What I am going to ensure and what I will expect of our county Planning Department is what I expect of every application we see — a fair and balanced approach. There will be no favoritism, and every Q will be crossed and every I will be dotted.”

(Source: WCBSTV)

6 Responses

  1. This sounds like a zoning dispute that has nothing to do with anything religious. If on the other hand, they wouldn’t mind a pig farm or a pork factory, but object only to a kosher facility, that would be interesting. Rockland county has become suburbanized over the last century and typically suburbs don’t like factories (especially smelly ones, such as slaughterhouses).

  2. I would protest with them if I was a resident in the area. Slaughter- house in a residential area is ridiculous!!!

  3. That photo accompanying the article depicts the strangest chicken I have ever seen.

    And if the local authorities do not grant the approvals for a slaughterhouse, do the owners have to give back the $1,600,000 grant?

  4. “Says: Perhaps when the Satmar stop saying NO to Israel, others will then stop saying no to them”

    I picked up the above quote on this topic from another site, I thought it was ignorant and hillarious and the same time, accusing NS of being anti-israel, oh yea and like they don’t protest israel itself and they don’t call for disinvestment in israel worldwide,

  5. I think slaughter houses do not belong so close too residential areas. Even if I use chicken from Skver schechita I wouldn’t want it schechted there.

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