Government to Allocate 100 Million Shekels in Shmitah Funding

shmetSome of the money will be given to the Ministry of Agriculture and most to the Ministry of Religious Services as the national government has announced a 100 million shekel allocation ahead of shmitah, which begins with Rosh Hashanah 5775.

The funds will be used with the heter mechira program as well as towards funding otzar beis din and the ‘Hakeil’ that follows the shmitah year at the Kosel. Some of the funds will be distributed to farmers who are permitting their fields to be hefker.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Not all of us rely on heter mechirah, according to our Rabbanim. Shmittah is a nightmare. It’s part of the price we pay for the zechus of living in Eretz Yisrael, but it’s definitely difficult. I’m glad the farmers will be helped.

  2. This is the only report I’ve seen that speaks of an allocation of some of this money to a “heter mechira program.” It sounds strange — heter mechira is basically cost-free.

  3. AMEN, lets take out a full page ad and say THANKS and show some Hakaras Hatov.

    Heter-Mechira is cost-free, learn the facts, please!

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