Flatbush: Ten Days After Hit and Run, Father of Five is Struggling for His Life

20140529-141302-51182788The family of Shalom Bentzion ben Sarah Dina is pleading for the communities assistance in finding the perpetrators of a hit and run that occurred on Ave. O and E.15th st.

The 47 year old was crossing the busy intersection when he was blindsided by a passing car. The driver did not stop and fled the scene. Hatzolah quickly arrived and transported the injured to nearby Lutheran Hospital and listed the man in critical condition.

Anyone who may have been a witness to the accident or may have any possibly relevant information is asked to call 718-851-5554 or the Flatbush Shomrim at 718-338-9797.

The family is asking the community to daven for the recovery of Shalom Bentzion ben Sarah Dina.


(Studio B – YWN)

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