MK Eichler: Increase Child Allowance Payments for Yomim Tovim

eichMK Rav Yisrael Eichler is introducing a bill that has less than a slim chance of passing. Eichler’s bill would compel the government to double the child allowance payment to families in Nissan and Tishrei to give the families an extra boost for Pesach and the Tishrei Yomim Tovim.

Eichler and his chareidi colleagues in Knesset have been outspoken critics of the administration’s decision to sharply cut monthly child allowance payments, which according to Dr. Yitzchak Kadmon of the National Child Welfare Council and Bituach Leumi have both indicated that the cuts in the monthly payments have resulted in at least 40,000 additional children falling under the poverty line.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. But most Israeli children are either hareidim or Arabs, and most of the zionists, who run the government, frankly prefer there were fewer of them. Be happy they haven’t introduced a tax on children, or a two-child limit enforced with mandatory sterilizations (which some of the zionists advocate).

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