Bayit Yehudi & Bibi Supporting Rivlin’s Presidential Bid

rivlinBayit Yehudi leader Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett on Yom Yerushalayim 5774 announced his support for Reuven Rivlin’s presidential bid. For Bennett it was a no brainer, announcing to the media “Rivlin is a statesman and one who has always held Am Yisrael, Toras Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael in high regard”.

Using his Facebook page to get the message out, Bennett stated that we learn a person is judged by בכוסו בכיסו ובכעסו. He explains that Rivlin was never “drunk with power” but always remained modest. Even as he climbed the political ladder of success he never forgot to remain concerned with the well-being of the less fortunate. He has always been extremely modest and exhibited a willingness to work. Regarding anger, Bennett pointed out how Rivlin conducted himself when he was ousted from the post of Knesset speaker, never veering from a path of derech eretz.

“Ruby is the natural choice to become the president of Israel. He is Zionist, a statesman, humane, and a great lover of Eretz Yisrael, Toras Yisrael and Am yisrael. He is a sensitive person, one who knows how to become emotional and to make other feel emotional.”

Following Bennett’s declaration and mounting pressure from within Likud, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu bit his pride and openly announced he too is backing Rivlin. Most feel the prime minister was pressured and his support does not signal a mending of fences but to the contrary, explaining the ballot is a secret one so no one will ever know who the prime minister really voted for. Whatever the case, Mr. Netanyahu is now publically calling on MKs and ministers to back his candidate, Reuven Rivlin.

Rivlin’s campaign manager Chaim Katz announced he is hopeful that in light of Mr. Netanyahu’s announcement his coalition partner; Yisrael Beitenu will follow and back Rivlin too.

If Rivlin is elected he will give up his Knesset seat to serve as president. If this occurs Chaim Katz is next on the Likud roster to enter Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. With the six choices for President, Rivlin rises about the rest with derech eretz, ahavas yisroel and ahavas eretz yisroel. He is generation after generation from the first Rav Rivlin of the old city, who eventually built Meah Shearim.

    A perfect face for Israel to the nations of the world. A believer and friend to all. Why in the world would SHAS prefer Dalia Itzik (nice lady) — is it their way to show that they appreciate females even though there are none on their party list??

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