Yated Strongly Opposed to Tender for Chareidi Technical Yeshivos

yatedYated Neeman on Wednesday, 28 Iyar 5774 comes out strongly against a Ministry of Education tender to establish chareidi technical yeshivos. The tender calls for offering chareidi yeshivos which will also have a matriculation diploma and technical education, perhaps similar to many yeshivos in N. America.

Yated feels this move is in direct contradiction to Gedolei Yisrael Shlita and is nothing more than another attempt to undermine the chareidi way of life in Eretz Yisrael.

Yated states emphatically that there can be no doubt the ministry continues to seek new ways to cleverly pull away students from chareidi yeshivos by enticing them and parents with another ‘chareidi’ option.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Yeted has always been against any Charadi having a job or even peeping outside the yeshiva walls would obviously be against a charadi college.

    BTW, only those who agree with the Yeted viewpoint are eligible to be called, “Gedolei Yisrael Shlita” and of course who ever would (chas v’sholem) disagree with Yeted’s official view of the news is obviously an apikorus.

    TG, we have other news sources and other Gedolei Yisrael Shlitas that can guide young men to being frum and yerat shamayim and make a living too.

  2. someone had to go to school to be able to print the yated. however as the saying goes , for me its kosher , for you it is chazer traif

  3. We find in Chaza”l such a concept, that even a change that in itself is harmless if it comes from outsiders with the purpose of undermining Torah then it’s forbidden.

    Like the Gemara says that בשעת השמד you must give your life even on a shoelace, and even if the new shoelace is better and eventually the Jews would’ve switched to it on their own.

    That’s why American Jews, like some commenters here, do not understand, and ask “what’s wrong?!” – and the answer is: There’s nothing wrong with the proposal itself, but with the proposer. As we see in the Gemara above.

  4. rav Itche Meir asks:

    what happened to Chazal’s direction that
    “yafeh Torah im Derech Eretz” –
    what would the yated say to R. Yochanan hasandler (the shoe maker) and Rav Yitzchak Nafcha (the blacksmith)
    How did these Rabbanim who dared to work get allowed into the Talmud? And the Ramba’m was a medical doctor who treated goyim – oy vey!!

  5. Yated is being printed daily in the english language I wonder how their staff and their readers accquainted that foreign language.

  6. thanks MD for your comment, so its not the message that is the issue here, in this case it’s the messenger that’s wrong, fine I wonder why Yated didn’t elaborate on that..

  7. If the Ministry of Education did not provide technical schools for haredim, the haredim would complain. But when they provide technical schools, the haredim complain that it’s an assault on Torah. There is no winning.

    The Ministry of Education must provide education and training opportunities to all Israelis. That’s their job. Their job is to provide these schools.

  8. Garlic said “TG, we have other news sources and other Gedolei Yisrael Shlitas that can guide young men to being frum and yerat shamayim and make a living too”

    I’m with you. I follow a different set of Gedolim.

  9. MDshweks has a good point. It is very important that the idea — even if it’s a very very good one — come not from the outside, but from people in the community itself. I think MDshweks is suggesting that the The Gedolim themselves try to work on this instead of letting outside people handle it.

    I agree that it be wonderful if the Gedolei Yisroel spent some effort in trying to make this happen. The upside of their taking a role in this is that they would be able to make it happen in a way that they see fit, instead of waiting until someone else does it and then just kvetch that it’s not good.

    Great point!!!

  10. Parents will make this decision depending on the needs of their children and with personal sheilos to their Rav.

    If the Charedi parties and leadership do not figure out some innovation/plan/procedure/educational curriculum for talmidim who are not planning to spend their time in long-term learning they are destroying the youth and causing more situations of “shalom al yisroel”.

  11. THe point is: WHo is behind this idea? If it’s Gedolai Yisroel it’s Kosher. if it’s the secular government we must be suspicious

  12. Maybe the Yated is just trying to fulfill what the mishna states: כל שאינו מלמד את בנו אומנות, מלמדו ליסטות.

  13. How many young men who have difficulty in applying themselves in yeshiva would benefit from such a program. Not all are cut out for 14 hrs/day sitting and pouring over a Gemara. Some of these young men, forced into such a program, will feel worthless and may even, chas v’sholem, drop out of meaningful frum life. So much better to recognize that all have different attributes and talents that can be put to use in Torah central life. I understand the fear that some have with trying anything but the well established path but the key is the administration of these programs, that they should agree with a chareidi hashgafa. If so, productive and happy young men could come out of the programs, just like some of the young men that are fulfilled by serving in chareidi units in the IDF.

  14. Wonderful. The question now is: when will the Frum community of America realize that it’s equal and counterpart is NOT the Charedi community of Israel?

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