VIDEO & PHOTOS: 6 Injured, 1 Critically, When SUV Plows Into Finkelstein Library On Route 59 In Spring Valley [UPDATED JDN PHOTOS]



Six people were injured when an SUV crashed into the front entrance of a library in suburban New York.

It happened just before 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Finkelstein Library in Spring Valley.

The Journal News says the unidentified driver told police that mechanical trouble caused him to lose control of his vehicle. He was treated for chest pains after the crash.

Among the injured was a 15-year-old girl who was pinned underneath the vehicle and an adult woman who suffered a head injury.

Police say the remaining pedestrian injuries appeared to be non-life threatening.

Police did not say how fast the vehicle was traveling. Alcohol did not appear to be a factor in the accident.

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