Ramat Givat Zeev to Hold Another Sales Event in the U.S.

222) (1)[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] The upscale Ramat Givat Zeev neighborhood north of Jerusalem continues to generate a lot of interest and demand in the United States. As the result of the many contracts signed at previous sales events in the Five Towns area in New York, requests have been received to hold another event. The developers have agreed and a new sales event has been scheduled for June 8, 2014 at the Eish Kodesh Shul in the neighborhood. Special deals will be offered exclusively for those who sign contracts at the event.

The Five Towns neighborhood is currently home to a nucleus group of families who are planning to make aliyah and settle in Ramat Givat Zeev. The widespread interest that the new neighborhood has generated, with its unique social fabric that is distinctly suited to American olim, as well as the educational and community institutions and the suburban setting, have encouraged many additional families to take the step of realizing the dream of living in a luxurious neighborhood in the Jerusalem Hills.

Being that the lots for private homes have all been sold, the sales event will focus on the luxury apartments the project is offering. Significant discounts will be offered. For example, a 4 room apartment, spanning 120 square meters, with a balcony of 20 meters, will be available for just $460,000! This is a very attractive price and will be given exclusively to sales events participants. Likewise, the developers are offering unprecedented payment terms, with a small percentage as a down payment and the rest to be paid to just a few months before moving in. This saves the buyers the burden of taking a mortgage for the construction period.

Ramat Givat Zeev is Chish Nofei Israel’s flagship project, and many rabbanim in the United States have classified it as the ideal solution to realize the dream to move to Israel. The project offers special advantages to help new residents settle comfortably into their new homes, with an emphasis on a warm, homogenous community that includes a wide range of communal institutions that are suited to the lifestyle of the residents. The neighborhood will have a Talmud Torah for boys, an elementary school for girls and all the necessary educational options that meet the community’s needs. This advantage gives parents the peace of mind that their children will be able to continue their studies in Israel in a format similar to what they were used to in the United States.

 (Studio B – YWN)

One Response

  1. What the developers don’t tell you is that the Israeli Government (as well as the Irs) wants you to file tax returns in both countries showing where the funds came from and how you will be paying to keep this property.

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