Almost Sold Out – Rabbi Yissocher Frand & Rabbi Menachem Nissel: Austrian Alps, Salzburg, Vienna, Pressburg, Budapest

picture of Rabbi Frand[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

This summer, discover the breathtaking beauty and fascinating history & mesorah of Jewish Central Europe: Austrian Alps, Salzburg, Vienna, Pressburg, Eisenstadt, Budapest, and more!

Join Rabbi Yissocher Frand and Rabbi Menachem Nissel – August 7-14, 2014 for an exciting and inspiring summer vacation and tour.  Kitzsteinhorn Alps Glacier, Castle Fortress Hohensalzburg, Salzburg Old Towne, Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna’s hidden shul and beis kevaros and ancient Jewish Quarter, Danube River Tour, kevarim of the Chasam Sofer and Panim Meirot, Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Park, Hero’s Square, Obuda shul, Castle district, the Shoe Memorial, and an unforgettable and relaxing Shabbos in the Austrian Alps!

Nesivos / Jewish Legacy Tours  has created the ultimate touring experience with small groups where people can fully experience the tour, connect with friends, and enjoy all amazing features that make a great tour: inspiring Torah lectures, touring Jewish sites, history, famous sites, luxury hotels, beautiful dining, and fresh gourmet meals prepared by our fantastic chef!


Hurry contact us for tour itinerary & more information – Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tours: Tel in US: 917 724-2633 / In Israel: 972-54-654-1991 / In U.K. 44-203-734-1193 / email: [email protected] /

3 Responses

  1. I guess you know nothing about historical tours.

    Rabbi Frand is being a choshuv rosh yeshiva during the tour by giving shiurim, chizuk and enianei d’yoma.

  2. first the goyim in these countries kill and throw out the jews and keep all the money then the stupid americam jews go back and pump in addtl money to these goyim

    either go on a tour to Israel or stay in America
    malchus shel chesed
    there is plenty to see here

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