A searing tragedy occurred overnight Wednesday when a terrible car accident took the life of a 13-year-old London resident two weeks before his bar mitzvah.
Daniel Rubin, z’l, was on the way home from a cousin’s wedding in Antwerp together with his family, including his twin brother Nesanel, when the accident occurred, flipping the car over. Daniel was almost thrown from the car and was niftar at the scene.
Daniel and his brother were born to their parents after five years of waiting.
Five other passengers of the car were evacuated to the hospital, including the niftar’s younger brother, who was seriously injured. The public is requested to say Tehillim for a refuah sheleimah for Eitan Menachem ben Michal Devorah b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.
The police are investigating the circumstances of the accident, including the possibility that the harsh weather conditions (snow, ice) caused the accident.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
One Response
A Heilige Yiddishe Neshama departed Tahor, ברוך דיין האמת What a tragedy. May Hakodesh Boruch Hu give Nechomos and double the nachas to the parents shebodlu Lechayim Toivim, from the other children.