More NYC Trash Headed Upstate

dsny.jpgAn upstate New York landfill is poised to begin accepting trash by rail from New York City.

High Acres Landfill, which sprawls over nearly 1,000 acres in Wayne County near Rochester, could see the amount of solid waste it accepts double or even triple once shipments begin.

The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports ( ) that construction of a rail spur leading to the landfill is underway. Rail shipments of solid waste in closed containers are expected to begin next year.

High Acres is the fifth-largest landfill by volume in the state and is owned by Waste Management Inc.

The only landfill in the state that currently accepts a significant amount of solid waste from New York City is Seneca Meadows, located about 25 miles southeast of High Acres.


5 Responses

  1. Re comment no. 1: I have never expressed any favorites for New York City mayor, but since you ask, I would call it a toss-up between LaGuardia and whichever mayor appointed Teddy Roosevelt as police commissioner (or was TR elected as commissioner – if you like I will check and get back to you).

    I think I have said that it is hard to evaluate a mayor’s quality, because so much of what a mayor does – particularly on zoning and allocation of municipal services – is underreported, in part because it is boring. The criticism of Mayor DeBlasio that I have seen among YWN posters is mostly that he is too liberal and in favor of more crime. No one has looked at the statistics to make a meaningful evaluation of “how he’s doin'”.

    And, oh, yes, Koch was good, if obnoxious.

  2. “Criticism of Mayor De Blassio…is too liberal and in favor of crime…and oh yes Koch was good…”

    Sometimes I wonder if nfgo3 is in competition with akuperma for ywn’s longest, nonsensical comments. Under Koch, squeegiemen could be found on every corner, 42nd street was littered with zonos, all the low life animals ruled the subways and 2000 murders a year was the norm.
    Not sure how you reached your conclusion that “Koch was good,” but it couldn’t have been by taking crime statistics into account.

  3. Re comment no. 3: Yes, I realize (without re-reading comment no. 1) that I was not expressly asked for anything. I was taking license in that someone referred to me and my opinion without any prompting. Clearly I weigh heavily on everyone’s minds.

    Re comment no. 4: Koch did one major thing right – he did what had to be done to pull the city back from the brink of bankruptcy. The squeegiemen were there before Koch was elected, and whoever got rid of them (was it Giuliani?) has my gratitude. The city had sunk in many ways before Koch took office, and he began the slow process of digging the city out of a hole. Could he have done better, faster? That’s easy for us to say.

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