VIDEO & PHOTOS: Michael Bloomberg: The City Of David Is The Place ‘We All Came From’



On the eve of receiving the inaugural Genesis Prize, which recognizes exceptional individuals whose values and achievements will inspire the next generation of Jews, former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, marked the occasion by visiting the City of David, site of ancient Jerusalem.

“The City of David is where we all came from, and out of this one piece of land has come all the major religions of the world,” stated Bloomberg.

Mere days before the anticipated arrival of Pope Francis in Israel, Bloomberg hailed the Jewish State of Israel for providing freedom of religion to all. “What we have to do is to make sure that we can all come and practice our religions and live in peace. And, that’s what Israel stands for.”

Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the ceremony in which the Genesis Prize was awarded to Michael Bloomberg:

“I think that in creating the Genesis Prize, there is a need to identify each year one outstanding individual, one individual who embodies in many ways Jewish traditions and Jewish values.

“The most important tradition that we have is that we cherish our heritage, but we are always seeking new things.

“There is a different way of thinking about things, about problems, about solutions, about challenges. I think that’s what the State of Israel is about. We’ve achieved remarkable things in our 66 years and I think the world marvels at it. We achieved it because we’re grounded in our traditions, and yet at the same time, we seek to seize the future: with technology, with science, with breakthrough innovation.

“And I can think of no one more worthy of this honor – which we present tonight for the very first time – than my friend Michael Bloomberg.”

The Ir David Foundation (Amutat EL-AD), a non-profit organization established in 1986, is dedicated to the preservation and development of the Biblical City of David and its environs, and is committed to connecting people from around the world to ancient Jerusalem’s glorious past. In 2013, there were over half a million visitors to the City of David National Park.

The foundation runs activities at three historic sites in ancient Jerusalem: The City of David National Park, Armon HaNatziv, and the Har HaZeisim, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. In 2010, the City of David was listed by the Government of Israel as one of Israel’s National Heritage Sites.

For additional information one may visit the website.

M. Bloomberg speaks with the press in Jerusalem

PM Netanyahu’s speech at the Genesis Awards event

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I’m sure YWN readers would have appriecated if you didnt include a not-tzniyus picture of his goyshe wife. (last one)

  2. Same guy that was snacking on crabcakes at a 9/11 Museum event a few days ago. King Bloomberg has no shame whatsoever.

  3. Michael, the jewish people started much much before jerusalem at the ברית בין הבתרים you maybe a late comer.. and exited early, its worth to note that even jerusalem was created only for king david and his rightous followers.

    כשהקב”ה יש לו רצון לבנות עיר, מסתכל תחילה בראש ההוא המנהיג את העם בעיר, ואחר כך בונה את העיר, זה שאמר לא בחרתי בעיר עד שהסתכלתי בדוד… -זוה”ק ויקהל מ

  4. He will inspire the next generation of Jews!?!?! Ah bruch tzi Columbus!

    What has he done to inspire ANY shomer Torah umitzvos? NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY BLASTED THING!

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